The SSDT version: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - 17.9.1
System: win10 64
Part of the log content
'installer detects the installation program language and operating system does not match, please use the English language version of the installer, or install the language pack, and through the control panel in the regional Settings to change the format and system Settings,'
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'LcidMismatchWarning to value' operating system, language does not match the detected
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'LicenseTermsText to value' license terms'
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'PrivacyStatementText to value' privacy statement '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'TelemetryDocumentationText to value' document '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'TermsAndConditionText to value' click "next" button, it indicates that I agree to accept {License Terms} and {Privacy Statement}, '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'PrivacyDisclaimerText to value' to help improve product, SQL Server Data Tools to Microsoft information transmission installation experience, as well as other usage and performance Data, if you want to learn more about Data processing and privacy controls, and how to install ban after collecting this information, please refer to the documentation, attach '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing numeric variable 'InstallerLcid' to the value '2052'
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'CancelText' value 'cancel' to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'CancelPromptText' to the value 'really want to cancel? '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'PromptToUninstallOldExtensionText' to the value 'it seems that you have installed and to install the version is not compatible with the previous versions of the SSAS or SSRS extension, may need to uninstall the two extension, and then you can continue with the installation, otherwise the installation might fail, still want to continue? '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'UninstallPromptText to value' will not unload some SQL Server Data Tools components, because removing them will make this computer is in a state of not supported, please delete them manually in the "control panel", "
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'CloseText to value' closed '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'ContinuePastWarningText' value 'to want to continue? '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'InstallText to value' install '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'NextText' value 'next' to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'ModifyText to value' modify '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'InstallationProgressText' value 'installation progress to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'DownloadProgressText to value' progress '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'RepairText to value' repair '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'RestartText to value' reboot '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupBlockedDescriptionText to value' point problem, cause the installation cannot continue, '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupBlockedText' value 'has blocked the installer to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupCanceledDescriptionText to value' have to cancel the installation operation,
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupCanceledText' value 'cancelled the installer to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupCompletedText' value 'has completed the installer to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupFailedDescriptionText to value' made a mistake in the process of installation, '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupFailedText' value 'installation failed to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupHelpDescriptionText' to the value '
Nickname is the new SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017 instances of the alias, if not, don't will default to "SSDT,"
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupHelpText' value 'installation program helps to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupInstalledText to value "has been successfully installed all the specified components,'
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupLayoutText' value 'layout, operation has been completed to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupLogText' value ', click here to view log files to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupProgressText' value 'installation progress to
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupRepairedText to value' has been successfully to repair all the specified components, '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupRestartDescriptionText to value' need to restart the computer first, then the installer to continue, '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupRestartText to value' need to restart to complete the installation procedure, '
[0268-0458] [2019-03-06 T07:44:41] i000: Initializing the string variable 'SetupUninstalledText to value' has been successfully unload all specified components, '