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Can I use scapy caught, like a web page the information returned to normal a little while, according to web page the information returned once more, become like this, could you tell me what's the problem?
DPKG=sniff (filter="host and TCP", iface="Intel (R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219 - LM", PRN=deal, count=0)
Def deal (PKT) :
Temp=(PKT. Getlayer (Raw). The load)
Print (" temp: "+ STR (temp))

Less will be displayed when {' Id ': None,' Nid ':' 8 c1811d1 - e9d E1B8-4 - B0E6 - EFD913980D65 ', 'TemplateId: 254, "InstanceId", 80550,' ModuleId: 254, 'DataId' : '0 c50d0bd a40-6-4276 - a310 - de33c4ed7077', 'Title', 'public
Department for examination and approval of the performance review process 'and' TargetUrl ':'/kh_assess aspx? Sid=0 c50d0bd a40-6-4276 - a310 - de33c4ed7077 & amp; F=2 ', 'ModuleName' : 'professional management', 'UStatus' :' terminated ', 'TaskUsers' :' ', 'TaskUserIds' : None, NodeName' : 'submission department manager approval', 'NodeId' 1402, 'RejectType InstanceCreateTime' : 0, 'a' : 'the 2020-12-15 08:54:22', 'GroupName' : 'other call BPM', 'TotalCount' : 4}
Are normal, more just picture

My guess is that information is divided into multiple packages? So how to combine?

In fact, I like the browser is the basic demand of developer tools, get the site over the response information, obtain the json, how should do?

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