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Rookie help: Python simulation log in


In CSDN BBS to find several Python is a great god "simulation log in 12306" the article, with great spirit to write, but to the last step in the slider always quote: oops, wrong, click refresh again (error: 86 iivc), how to solve this problem, thank you!
Sliding code:
# sliding block processing
Div_tag=the find_element_by_xpath ('//* [@ id="nc_1_wrapper"] ')
# to sliding operation div_tag
Action=ActionChains (browser) # instantiate an action object
# click action. Click_and_hold (div_tag) and long press not to put
Time. Sleep (1)
Action. Move_by_offset (300, 0). The perform () # offset x300 pixels, y0 pixel
Time. Sleep (1)
Action. The release ()
Time. Sleep (10)
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