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R - Pi pico UNO base plate


On everyone's reaction and their use, found that R - Pi pico symbols printed board pin inside out, at the time of programming for pin definition is not convenient, some might say it doesn't matter, in turn to see! Also some people will ask why the official printed on the reverse side, it this? I don't know much about it, in order to let the pursuit of beautiful and at the same time, can also convenient to use, so spend a little bit of time himself drew similar Arduino uno appearance of base plate, so only choose this appearance is mainly its universality, and I like this design, the location of the pin definition is basically the same, just more than a few GPIO pin,

Pico backplane

Note: this I'm afraid to arduino uno can't compatible with use, in the circuit or discriminating, here I just solved the symbol will pin was improved, if the raspberries pie foundation will pico arduino on the software and hardware of compatibility that will be better, for those who pursue performance and convenient DIY friends is friendly, very convenient on programming...

The bottom of the Pico

Because I am not a professional, there may be PCB circuit drawing is wrong, this is only my own use, so share with friends, if there is wrong, please correct me...

Pico part pin description

Next is the theme,

PCB products artwork (positive)

Reverse side

Related to PCB file I'll put in the following, the color of the board by their definition, there is a bad place is not design independent power supply modules! If you can find some great, if has the need to download
Extract: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1D88DGV5G4QHaesZ0yK_Riw code: ITEM
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