CodePudding user response:
For example
The group 'Joyven'
Version '1.0 - the SNAPSHOT'
Apply the plugin: 'Java'
Apply the plugin: 'war'
Repositories {
MavenLocal ()
MavenCentral ()
Dependencies {
The compile 'com. Google. Code. Gson: gson: 2.3.1'
The compile 'org. Apache. Logging. Log4j: log4j - core: against 2.4.1'
The compile 'org. Apache. Logging. Log4j: log4j - API: against 2.4.1'
The compile 'org. Apache. Logging. Log4j: log4j - slf4j - impl: against 2.4.1'
//the validator
The compile 'org. Hibernate: hibernate validator: - 5.2.0. The Final'
The compile 'javax.mail. Validation: validation - API: 1.1.0. The Final'
The compile 'org. Jboss. Resteasy: jaxrs - API: 3.0.7. The Final'
//HTTP asynchronous
The compile 'org. Apache httpcomponents: httpasyncclient: 4.4.1'
The compile (' com. Alibaba: dubbo: 2.8.4 ') {
Exclude (module: 'log4j)
The compile 'com. Alibaba: dubbo xml-rpc - rest: 2.8.4'
The compile 'com. Fasterxml. Jackson. Core: Jackson - core: 2.7.0 - rc2'
The compile 'com. Fasterxml. Jackson. Core: Jackson - databind: 2.7.0 - rc2'
Compile 'org. Apache. Kafka, kafka - clients:'
The compile 'com. Alibaba. Rocketmq: rocketmq - client: 3.2.6'
The compile 'org. Springframework. Data: spring - data - mongo: 1.8.0 comes with. RELEASE'
The compile 'org. Mongo: mongo Java - driver: 3.1.0'
The compile 'com. Alibaba: druid: 1.0.15'
The compile 'org. Mybatis: mybatis: 3.3.0'
The compile 'org. Mybatis: mybatis - spring: 1.2.3'
The compile 'mysql: mysql connector - Java: 5.1.36'
The compile 'joda - time: joda - time: 2.8.1'
The compile 'org. Springframework: spring - JDBC: 3.2.9. RELEASE'
The compile 'org. Springframework: spring - test: 3.2.9. RELEASE'
The compile 'org. Springframework: spring - webmvc: 3.0.9. RELEASE'
The compile 'org. Springframework. Bases: spring - bases: 0.19.0. RELEASE'
The compile 'org. Anyone: javax.mail. El: 3.0.1 - b08'
The compile 'Commons beanutils: Commons beanutils: 1.8.3'
Compile 'org. Apache. They are: they are: 3.5.0 - alpha'
The compile 'com. Making. Sgroschupf: zkclient: 0.1'
The compile 'log4j: log4j: 1.2.17'
TestCompile 'junit: junit: 4.11'
War {
ArchiveName="test - demo. War"
CodePudding user response: