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Of new beg big help!! Python problem!!


I'm step by step according to the writing, the original code is as follows:

The class Car () :
"" "the program is mainly used to simulate a simple car trying to "" "

Def __init__ (self, the make, model, year) :
"" "initialization describe attributes "" "
Self. Make=make
The self. The model=model
The self. The year=year
Self. Odometer_reading=0

Def get_descriptive_name (self) :
"" "return neat descriptive name "","
Long_name=f "{self. Year} {self. Make} {the self. The model}"
Return long_time. Title ()

Def road_odometer (self) :
"" "to print out a message, and points out that the car mileage "" "
Print (f "This car has {self. Odometer_reading} miles on it.")

Def update_odometer (self, mileage) :
"" "
Set the odometer reading to the specified value,
And refused to let the odometer back,
"" "
If the mileage & gt;=self. Odometer_reading:
Self. Odometer_reading=mileage
The else:
Print (" You can 't roll back an odometer!" )

Def increment_odometer (self, miles) :
"" will increase the amount of specified the odometer reading" "" "
Self. Odometer_reading +=miles

My_new_car=Car (' audi ', 'a4, 2019)
Print (my_new_car. Get_descriptive_name ())

Pycharm and jupter error display:
NameError Traceback (the most recent call last)

3 my_new_car=Car (' audi ', 'a4, 2019)
- & gt; 4 the print (my_new_car get_descriptive_name ())

~ \ Desktop \ \ data \ in the second week of class car. Py in get_descriptive_name (self)
"" 11" to print out a message, and points out that the car mileage "" "
12 print (f "This car has {self. Odometer_reading} miles on it.")
- & gt; 13
14 def update_odometer (self, mileage) :
15 "" "

NameError: name 'long_time' is not defined

I change long_name="{} {} {}". The format (self. Year, self. Make self. Model) or not,,
Beg big help!!

CodePudding user response:

Def get_descriptive_name (self) :
. "" "return neat descriptive name "","
. Long_name=f "{self. Year} {self. Make} {the self. The model}"
. Return long_name. Title ()
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