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Turtle function:


Turtle function:

6. Turtle. Setup (width, height, startx, starty)
The setup () set form size and position of

Don't write two parameters in the center of the screen by default after
a turtle space coordinate systemAbsolute coordinates, coordinates the tortoise
Turtle. Goto (x, y) refers to the turtles of let in any location, no matter where to go to reach a
A coordinates
8. Turtle. Fd (d) to directly in front of the turtles to run
Turtle. Bk (d) run in the opposite direction to the turtle
Turtle. Circle (r, Angle) refers to the separated your current position to the left of a certain point for round
Heart, to run the curve,
a turtle Angle coordinate systemAbsolute Angle:

Turtle. Seth (Angle)
Seth () change turtles travel point of view, only change the direction of travel, travel is not
Angle of absolute degree
Turtle. Left (Angle) turtle. Right (Angle)
RGB color mode
10.11. Made of red, blue and green three colors than looking for
RGB shows the color combination of red, blue and green three channels
Covered the color of eyesight can perceive
Every color RGB values range of 0-255 integer or decimal

By default the small number, can switch to a integer value
Turtle. Colormode (mode)
1.0: RGB small numerical model
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