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Game development requires what technology, game engine architecture third edition


The game development requires what technology: https://blog.csdn.net/JUFENG_FEI/article/details/112232445? Ops_request_misc=% 257 b % 2522 request 255 fid 253 a % 2522161641021416780266266568% % 2522% % 2522% % 252 c 2522 SCM 253 a % % 2522% 252220140713.130102334.. % 2522% 257 d & amp; Request_id=161641021416780266266568 & amp; Biz_id=0 & amp; Utm_medium=distribute. Pc_search_result. None - task - blog - 2 ~ ~ top_click ~ all default - 1-112232445. First_rank_v2_pc_rank_v29 & amp; B8 utm_term B8 E6=% % % % E6 BC 8 E5 f % % % % 88% 80% E5 8 f % % 91% E9 A6 E8 % % % 9 c % 80% 81% E5 E5 A4 E5 B7 % % % % 85% 87% % 93% BA E4 AA % % % 9 b % % E6 8 a % 80% % E6 9 c % AF
The game engine architecture third edition:
The game is technology:
Cocos2d - x
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