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Hadoop3.1.0 distributed computing error YARN pattern


 Hadoop3.1.0 distributed computing error, Hadoop 3.0.0 also reported the same wrong: 

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Not assignable to 'org/apache/hadoop/shaded/com/Google/protobuf/GeneratedMessage'
The Current Frame:
Bci: @ 36
Flags: {}
Locals: {' org/apache/hadoop/graphs/v2/proto/MRProtos $JobIdProto $Builder ', 'org/apache/hadoop/yarn/proto/YarnProtos $ApplicationIdProto'}
Stack: {' org/apache/hadoop/shaded/com/Google/protobuf/SingleFieldBuilder ', 'org/apache/hadoop/yarn/proto/YarnProtos $ApplicationIdProto'}
The Bytecode:
0 x0000000:2 0073 c700 ab4 1 b2b c700 00 0 BBB f3 59 b7
00 0 x0000010: f4 bf2a bb5 005 a 2 ab6 00 f7 a700 0 c2a
0 x0000020: b400 732 b b600 fb57 2 a59 b400 7904 80 b5
2 ab0 0 x0000030:0079
Stackmap Table:
Same_frame (@ 19)
Same_frame (31) @
Same_frame (@ 40)

At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. Proto. MRProtos $JobIdProto. NewBuilder (MRProtos. Java: 1017)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. API. Records. The impl. Pb. JobIdPBImpl. & lt; init> (JobIdPBImpl. Java: 37)
. 15 more
2018-07-13 16:17:02, 989 ERROR [main] org.. Apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. App. MRAppMaster: ERROR starting MRAppMaster
Org, apache hadoop. Yarn. Exceptions. YarnRuntimeException: Java. Lang. Reflect. InvocationTargetException
At org, apache hadoop. Yarn. Factories. Impl. Pb. RecordFactoryPBImpl. NewRecordInstance (RecordFactoryPBImpl. Java: 73)
At org, apache hadoop. Yarn. Util. Records. NewRecord (Records. Java: 36)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. Util. MRBuilderUtils. NewJobId (39) MRBuilderUtils. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. App. MRAppMaster. ServiceInit (MRAppMaster. Java: 299)
At org, apache hadoop. Service. AbstractService. Init (AbstractService. Java: 164)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. App. MRAppMaster $6. The run (1760) MRAppMaster. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
At javax.mail. Security. Auth. Subject. The doAs (422) Subject. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Security. UserGroupInformation. DoAs (UserGroupInformation. Java: 1682)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. App. MRAppMaster. InitAndStartAppMaster (MRAppMaster. Java: 1757)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. App. MRAppMaster. Main (1691) MRAppMaster. Java:
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. Reflect. InvocationTargetException
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 45)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Constructor. NewInstance (423) Constructor. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Yarn. Factories. Impl. Pb. RecordFactoryPBImpl. NewRecordInstance (RecordFactoryPBImpl. Java: 70)
. 10 more
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Exception Details:
Org/apache/hadoop/graphs/v2/proto/MRProtos $JobIdProto $Builder. SetAppId (Lorg/apache/hadoop/yarn/proto/YarnProtos $ApplicationIdProto;) Lorg/apache/hadoop/graphs/v2/proto/MRProtos $JobIdProto $Builder; @ : 36 invokevirtual
Type 'org/apache/hadoop/yarn/proto/YarnProtos $ApplicationIdProto' (the current frame, stack [1]) is not assignable to 'org/apache/hadoop/shaded/com/Google/protobuf/GeneratedMessage'
The Current Frame:
Bci: @ 36
Flags: {}
Locals: {' org/apache/hadoop/graphs/v2/proto/MRProtos $JobIdProto $Builder ', 'org/apache/hadoop/yarn/proto/YarnProtos $ApplicationIdProto'}
Stack: {' org/apache/hadoop/shaded/com/Google/protobuf/SingleFieldBuilder ', 'org/apache/hadoop/yarn/proto/YarnProtos $ApplicationIdProto'}
The Bytecode:
0 x0000000:2 0073 c700 ab4 1 b2b c700 00 0 BBB f3 59 b7
00 0 x0000010: f4 bf2a bb5 005 a 2 ab6 00 f7 a700 0 c2a
0 x0000020: b400 732 b b600 fb57 2 a59 b400 7904 80 b5
2 ab0 0 x0000030:0079
Stackmap Table:
Same_frame (@ 19)
Same_frame (31) @
Same_frame (@ 40)

At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. Proto. MRProtos $JobIdProto. NewBuilder (MRProtos. Java: 1017)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. V2. API. Records. The impl. Pb. JobIdPBImpl. & lt; init> (JobIdPBImpl. Java: 37)
. 15 more
16:17:02 2018-07-13, 990 INFO [main] org.. Apache hadoop. Util. ExitUtil: Exiting with status: 1. Org. Apache hadoop. The yarn. Exceptions. YarnRuntimeException: Java. Lang. Reflect. InvocationTargetException
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