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Wisdom is how powerful a shelf?


Recently two of the most popular words is artificial intelligence and new retail, when meet, the two words is smart retail infinite broad application scenarios,

Retail industry has long is walking in the forefront of technological change, according to the market changes to make rapid response, such as the first USES the POS machine, bar code application, to go through the Internet to use electricity, and so on are all retail technology, to create a model of change,

Actually, no matter how change retail, cannot leave the nature of the sales, businesses need to more accurate analysis of demand information, faster response demand information, thus reducing time and cost, improve efficiency, at the consumer level, the demand for more accurate have been satisfied, buy the most valuable things, obviously, artificial intelligence can help both businesses and consumers to achieve a new consumer upgrades,

Many people may not know, brands in cooperation with a large number of shopping malls supermarkets, for shelf management itself is actually a university asked,

Good terminal display level, it is can promote the competitiveness of the suppliers of shelf management, to drive sales growth, how to adjust the supplier terminal shelf management strategies and methods, in order to continuously improve terminal display level, promote the competitiveness of the suppliers of shelf management, to drive sales growth?

Generally, the retailer's shelf management two key factors, one is capacity, the second is the location,


Shelf space capacity determines the velocity of the commodity, a direct impact on sales, so the retailers first velocity analysis to confirm the capacity of shelf space, the arrangement of shelf space capacity is to reduce as far as out of stock, more importantly, less out of stock will win customers continued satisfaction, it will promote retailers' competition ability,


Commodity display arrangement, is more complex, the retailer's consideration is that the shelves better position brings greater sales, how to put more easily by the consumer to choose, is worth studying, the main points of the

With the two basic points, brands to promote control of the retailers' shelves ability has a clear direction, how to use marketing tools lift sales, through the reasonable shelf management continues to enhance consumer confidence, if brands is a national brand, with the thousands of business cooperation of major brands, a little detail improvement leads to great impact,

In fact, behind the small shelf management, is a huge sales terminal management, because of the shelf to visit not only involves the inventory and logistics, also involves a different environment, people and scenes, this is not a small problem, change the shelf management, from change of the terminal management,

Each a retail enterprise rooted in China for many years, has a huge sales network, such as the company has set up 165 in the national sales service, has more than 1300 primary distribution partner, more than 6000 secondary distribution partner, control of up to 1.2 million sales terminals,

For such a big retail brands, 1.2 million management of sales terminals, a spark of efficiency will cause a great impact on overall sales,

In the past, the enterprise to effectively support the sales team leader, sales network on the refinement of management, through SFA (palm service access) system, realize the phone APP tracking industry generation visiting route, visit process, sales order after visit, network inventory, etc., in the process, product display images from the field is the important index analysis of the efficiency of each terminal,

However, because the current product store huge, will increase every day hundreds of thousands of pieces of product display pictures, low efficiency of manual inspection, the accuracy is not high, so, the enterprise thought of using artificial intelligence weapon, to help them do the data analysis, found the dell, by artificial intelligence, data mining value, in the service of terminal sales,

Back to the shelf management this one specific application scenarios, can take advantage of the graphics recognition technology, through the deep learning algorithm to identify the key display information, such as in the inspection work automatically judge the quality of the link, the picture is fuzzy, the photo shooting Angle is too tendency, photo is the target area to judge; And judgment of image information, to the brand/series automatic level of information access, you can output the display share/shelf share (brand level) and SKU level of recognition (whether specific SKU is in the picture, how many),

Fetching the data will serve as basic data of algorithm modeling, dell will use the network to extract the image characteristics of the underlying, on the characteristics of the different scale chart predicted class probability, and determine the object coordinates, to modeling,

Had the algorithm model, nature also cannot lack of high-performance artificial intelligence platform, which is dell emc strengths:

In the calculation, strong ability to floating point calculations, support for multiple GPU,

On the Internet, high-speed low latency cluster exchange network,

In the storage, the large capacity of file storage system, parallel or distributed technology meets the demand of storage performance,

On the resource management, cluster hardware resources unified scheduling and management,

On the algorithm of software, a variety of machine learning tool set, the function library support,

It should be said that the artificial intelligence platform to build, is the key to the project eventually fall to the ground, retail enterprises can import more data, more model is set up, the sales terminals management decision support to do more,

Actually, artificial intelligence can do is not just these, dell, emc is considered, the algorithm model and continuous optimization, analysis of data, applied to all aspects of the terminal management, as well as to the production, distribution, inventory forecast,
On the display management, can realize automatic identification display mode, display index calculation, competing goods display analysis and optimization of display,

In sales management, can optimize sales network, sales target optimization and sales forecast,

On the marketing strategy formulation, the AI can do marketing strategy optimization, optimization promotion strategy, product mix optimization,

Displayed on asset management, in the asset identification, asset inspection, to use assets and assets of the output value analysis is able to provide help,

Cost management, can realize the sales cost optimization, the rent cost optimization and cost optimization,

Production guidance available, production optimization, inventory optimization, and the help of distribution optimization,

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The publicity of artificial intelligence can,,,
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