Java. Lang. Reflect. InvocationTargetException
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 45)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Constructor. NewInstance (423) Constructor. Java:
The at org. Datanucleus. Plugin. NonManagedPluginRegistry. CreateExecutableExtension (NonManagedPluginRegistry. Java: 606)
The at org. Datanucleus. Plugin. The PluginManager. CreateExecutableExtension (PluginManager. Java: 330)
The at org. Datanucleus. Store. AbstractStoreManager. RegisterConnectionFactory (AbstractStoreManager. Java: 203)
At org. Datanucleus. Store. AbstractStoreManager.
At org. Datanucleus. Store. RDBMS. RDBMSStoreManager.
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 45)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Constructor. NewInstance (423) Constructor. Java:
The at org. Datanucleus. Plugin. NonManagedPluginRegistry. CreateExecutableExtension (NonManagedPluginRegistry. Java: 606)
The at org. Datanucleus. Plugin. The PluginManager. CreateExecutableExtension (PluginManager. Java: 301)
The at org. Datanucleus. NucleusContextHelper. CreateStoreManagerForProperties (NucleusContextHelper. Java: 133)
The at org. Datanucleus. PersistenceNucleusContextImpl. Initialise (PersistenceNucleusContextImpl. Java: 422)
The at org. Datanucleus. API. Jdo. JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. FreezeConfiguration (JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. Java: 817)
The at org. Datanucleus. API. Jdo. JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. CreatePersistenceManagerFactory (JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. Java: 334)
The at org. Datanucleus. API. Jdo. JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. GetPersistenceManagerFactory (JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. Java: 213)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper $16. The run (JDOHelper. Java: 1965)
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. Invoke (JDOHelper. Java: 1960)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. InvokeGetPersistenceManagerFactoryOnImplementation (JDOHelper. Java: 1166)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. GetPersistenceManagerFactory (JDOHelper. Java: 808)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. GetPersistenceManagerFactory (JDOHelper. Java: 701)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. GetPMF (650) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. GetPersistenceManager (693) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. InitializeHelper (483) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. The initialize (420) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. SetConf (375) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. ReflectionUtils. SetConf (ReflectionUtils. Java: 77)
At org, apache hadoop. Util. ReflectionUtils. NewInstance (ReflectionUtils. Java: 137)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RawStoreProxy.
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RawStoreProxy. GetProxy (RawStoreProxy. Java: 67)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. HiveMetaStore $HMSHandler. NewRawStoreForConf (HiveMetaStore. Java: 718)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. HiveMetaStore $HMSHandler. GetMSForConf (HiveMetaStore. Java: 696)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. HiveMetaStore $HMSHandler. GetMS (HiveMetaStore. Java: 690)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. HiveMetaStore $HMSHandler. CreateDefaultDB (HiveMetaStore. Java: 773)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. HiveMetaStore $HMSHandler. Init (HiveMetaStore. Java: 538)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RetryingHMSHandler. InvokeInternal (RetryingHMSHandler. Java: 147)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RetryingHMSHandler. Invoke (RetryingHMSHandler. Java: 108)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RetryingHMSHandler.
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RetryingHMSHandler. GetProxy (RetryingHMSHandler. Java: 93)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. HiveMetaStore. NewRetryingHMSHandler (HiveMetaStore. Java: 8667)