Home > other >  Turn-based combat division deal with client and the server? Calculation process communication proces
Turn-based combat division deal with client and the server? Calculation process communication proces


Combat logic is probably like this:
Both sides have four combat units, attack points of attack and skills, tapping, automatically, skills can be manually released players can also set up automatic release, at tapping one attack, the two sides take turns to attack skills can be in our beginning to end the process release (enough energy and CD can release),

Do turn-based combat for the first time, do not know which put the operation of a service, which let the client operation? When to send the message? What is the communication process, the calculation process?

I want a solution: battles pushed by the server (one thread running), each round of data via radio to the client, client release during skills (active or automatic discharge can be) through the protocol interface to the server, the server returns effect to the client,

Don't know whether the scheme is feasible and how this type of combat is a process, there are bosses to give directions? Thank you,
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