Home > other >  Python tablevie. SelectedIndexes () can't get the line and column number
Python tablevie. SelectedIndexes () can't get the line and column number


Copy right is added in the tableview, want to locate alternative line and column number, get is always the thing [& lt; PyQt5. QtCore. QModelIndex object at 0 x00000000043b3ba0 & gt;] . What problem is. Please see
The source code is as follows:
# coding=utf-8
The import sys

The from PyQt5 import QtCore
The from PyQt5. QtCore import *
The from PyQt5. QtWidgets import *
The from PyQt5. QtGui import *

Class Table (QWidget) :
Def __init__ (self, parent=None) :
Super (Table, self) __init__ (parent)
# set the title and the initial size
Self. SetWindowTitle (' checkbox QTableView form case)
The self. The resize (500300)
The self. The tableView=QTableView ()
The self. The model=QStandardItemModel (self. TableView)

# set data hierarchy, four row 4 column
The self. The model=QStandardItemModel (4, 4)
T=QCheckBox (self)
# set the horizontal four heads label text content
Self. Model. SetHorizontalHeaderLabels ([' state ', 'name', 'id', 'address'])

For a row in the range (4) :
For the column in the range (4) :
Item_checked=QStandardItem ()
Item_checked. SetCheckState (Qt. Checked)
Item_checked. SetCheckable (True)
Self. Model. SetItem (column, 0, item_checked)
The item=QStandardItem (' s row, column % s' % (row, column))
# set each position of the text value
Self. Model. SetItem (row, column, item)

The self. The tableView. SetModel (self) model)
# set layout
Layout=QVBoxLayout ()
Layout. AddWidget (self. TableView)
Self. SetLayout (layout)

# if in QTableView use right-click menu, to enable the attribute
The self. The tableView. SetContextMenuPolicy (QtCore. Qt. CustomContextMenu)
# to create QMenu signal events
The self. The tableView. CustomContextMenuRequested. Connect (self. ShowMenu)
The self. The contextMenu=QMenu (self)
Self. CP=self. ContextMenu. AddAction (' copy ')
Self. CP. Triggered. Connect (self. Selected_tb_text)

Def selected_tb_text (self) :
The indexes=self. TableView. SelectedIndexes ()
Print (indexes)

Def showMenu (self, pos) :
# pos mouse position
Before # menu display, to move it to the position of the mouse to click
Self. ContextMenu. Exec_ (# QCursor. Pos ()) in mouse position according to
If __name__=="__main__ ':
App=QApplication (sys. Argv)
Table=table ()
Table. The show ()
Sys. Exit (app. Exec_ ())

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