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If a python invokes the Java access bridge


Web pages have a Java applet, class SunAwtCanvas, query to can use Java access bridge to control, I wanted to get him the enumeration controls below it text data, use the following method reference to the DLL, but initializeAccessBridge function does not exist, lead to the back of the step can't continue, give the method of online is c #, is there anyone python calls the DLL examples of reference, on the stack overflow comes up blank

The import ctypes as a
B=aleem walji indll. LoadLibrary (r "C: \ XXXXX \ windowsaccessbridge - 64. DLL")
Print (b.i sJavaWindow) # & lt; _FuncPtr object at 0 x000001c6xxx & gt;
Print (b.W indows_run) # & lt; _FuncPtr object at 0 x000001c6xxx & gt;
Print (b.s hutdownAccessBridge) # not found
Print (b.i nitializeAccessBridge) # not found
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