Home > other >  NSi83085/NSi83086 VDD2 with 10 uF rather than 0.1 uF
NSi83085/NSi83086 VDD2 with 10 uF rather than 0.1 uF


We usually choose 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor filter capacitance, why NSi83085/NSi83086 VDD2 using 10 uF, the great god grant instruction, thank you!
Began to appear that we use is 0.1 uF, communicate occasionally lost, lost will after his recovery, so the test didn't find, so I want to know why, find the correct test method,
The NSi83085/NSi83086 requires a 0.1 u F bypass capacitor between VDD1 and GND1, 10 uf bypass capacitor between VDD2 and
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