Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "D: \ WJYworkplace \ PythonWorkPlace \ NLP \ JDmobileComent \ Demo \ w2v py", line 154, in & lt; module>
The train ()
The File "D: \ WJYworkplace \ PythonWorkPlace \ NLP \ JDmobileComent \ Demo \ w2v py", line 148, "train" in
Index_dict word_vectors, combined=word2vec_train (combined)
The File "D: \ WJYworkplace \ PythonWorkPlace \ NLP \ JDmobileComent \ Demo \ w2v py", line 90, in word2vec_train
Index_dict word_vectors, combined=create_dictionaries (model=model, combined=combined)
The File "D: \ WJYworkplace \ PythonWorkPlace \ NLP \ JDmobileComent \ Demo \ w2v py", 57, line in create_dictionaries
W2vec={word: model/word for word in w2indx. Keys ()} # all more than 10 words of word frequency vector
The File "D: \ WJYworkplace \ PythonWorkPlace \ NLP \ JDmobileComent \ Demo \ w2v py", 57, line in & lt; Dictcomp>
W2vec={word: model/word for word in w2indx. Keys ()} # all more than 10 words of word frequency vector
TypeError: 'Word2Vec' object is not subscriptable
Jingdong comments sentiment analysis project, W2V not subscript access how to change this problem