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, help me take a look at the selenium the error is what mean


The DEBUG: selenium webdriver. Remote. Remote_connection: POST to {" "capabilities" : {" firstMatch ": [{}]," alwaysMatch ": {" browserName" : "chrome", "platformName" : "any", "goog: chromeOptions" : {" extensions ": []," args ": []}}}," desiredCapabilities ": {" browserName" : "chrome", "version" : ""," platform ":" any ", "goog: chromeOptions" : {" extensions ": []," args ": []}}}
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "/home/LWH/Desktop/scopus scopus/1. Py", line 7, in
Dr=webdriver. Chrome ()
The File "/home/LWH/local/lib/python3.8/site - packages/selenium webdriver/chrome/webdriver py", line 76, in __init__
RemoteWebDriver. __init__ (
The File "/home/LWH/local/lib/python3.8/site - packages/selenium webdriver/remote webdriver. Py", line 157, in __init__
Self. Start_session (" capabilities, browser_profile)
The File "/home/LWH/local/lib/python3.8/site - packages/selenium webdriver/remote webdriver. Py", line 252, in start_session
Response=self. The execute (Command NEW_SESSION, parameters)
The File "/home/LWH/local/lib/python3.8/site - packages/selenium webdriver/remote webdriver. Py", line 319, in the execute
The response=self.com mand_executor. The execute (driver_command, params)
The File "/home/LWH/local/lib/python3.8/site - packages/selenium webdriver/remote/remote_connection py", line 374, in the execute
Return the self. _request (command_info [0], url, body=data)
The File "/home/LWH/local/lib/python3.8/site - packages/selenium webdriver/remote/remote_connection py", line 397, in _request
Resp=self. _conn. Request (method, url, body=body, headers=headers)
The File "/usr/lib/python3/dist - packages/urllib3/request. Py", line 79, in the request
Return the self. Request_encode_body (
The File "/usr/lib/python3/dist - packages/urllib3/request. Py", line 171, in request_encode_body
Return the self. Urlopen (method, url, * * extra_kw)
The File "/usr/lib/python3/dist - packages/urllib3/poolmanager py", line 324, in urlopen
U=parse_url (url)
The File "/usr/lib/python3/dist - packages/urllib3/util/url. Py", line 392, parse_url in
Return the six raise_from (LocationParseError (source_url), None)
The File "", line 2, in raise_from
Urllib3. Exceptions. LocationParseError: Failed to parse:
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