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Embed on MATLAB to make mistakes


Small white one, contact time is not long MATLAB
Just recently when running the code we found there are several mistakes don't know how to solve, please everyone a great god can help me with

First is to run after the software tip line 51 error:
Ae=A (I, j);
How to increase the matrix dimensions?

30 lines, please add a allocates memory statement:
S=zeros (M12 * 2);
Is that ok?

Also is the line 100 variables:
G=[G, F {I, 1}].
How to allocate memory?

clc; clear; close all;
% watermark embedding procedure

Read audio signal % 3. Wav to variables in A
[A, nbits]=audioread (' D: \ MATLAB - MusicWatermrk \ code \ \ audio \ 7 audio watermark embedding and extraction login. Wav ');
Drawing original sound image %
Subplot (211); The plot (A);
The axis ([0. 350000-2, 2]);
The title (' original voice signal waveform figure);
With the length of the variable L store audio A %
L=size (A);
% read image Lena. The BMP in the variable M as watermark signal
M=imread (' D: \ MATLAB - MusicWatermrk \ code \ audio \ \ mark 7 audio watermark embedding and extraction BMP ');
% the image Lena. BMP is converted into binary diagram and deposited in the variable BW
BW=im2bw (M);

% calculation watermarking matrix size
[M1, M2]=size (BW);
% M12 as intermediate variables, avoiding calculating every time the M1 * M2
M12=* M1 M2;
% dimension reduction, will get the one-dimensional sequence of watermark in the sequence of C
C=reshape (BW, 1, M12);

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% to spread spectrum watermarking signal processing, the effect is not very good
% spread spectrum coefficient for 2
N=M12 * 2;
M=zeros (n, 1);
S=zeros (M12 * 2);
Sequences generated key % M
For k=1: n
If the mod (k, 4)==0
M (k)=1;
The else
M (k)=0;
% watermark signal sequence respectively bitwise and key exclusive or
L=ceil (k/2);
S (k)=bitxor (C (l), M (k));
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

% to embed a watermark need audio data for N
Length=n * 10;
% the original audio signal is decomposed into two parts of the Ae and Ar
I=1: length;
Get to the line length of matrix A l % build matrix Ae
Ae=A (I, j);
% Ae (I, j)
I=length + 1: L;
% to the line L take the length of matrix A first column building matrix Ar
Ar=A (I, j);

% to establish cell B, each audio data segment Ae (m) is an element of B
% build line M1, M2 x l column (
B=cell (n, 1);
Th=n * n;
% when k is less than the length of the Ae, matrix Ae per 10 lines as an audio data segment in the cellular B
While (k & lt; Th)
I=k: k + 9;
M=(k + 9)/10;
{B, m, 1}=Ae (I, j);
K=k + 10;

Established cell D %, and of the discrete cosine transform the cellular B elements in the cell D
D=cell (n, 1);
For I=1: n
D {I, 1}=DCT {I, 1} (B);

% build cellular E, intermediate frequency coefficients of the storage of watermark are embedded in
E1=cell (n, 1);
For I=1: n
% % the watermark information embedded in the audio C
% E {I, 1} (3)={I, 1} (D) (3) * (1 + 2 * C (I));
% will be embedded in the audio spread-spectrum watermark information S
E {I, 1} (3)={I, 1} (D) (3) * (1 + 2 * S (I));

% to establish cell F
F=cell (n, 1);
% will belong to the discrete cosine transformation in the E elements in the cell F
For I=1: n
{I, 1} F=idct (E {I, 1});

% incorporating all separation period of creation to one dimensional matrix G
G=F {1, 1};
I from 3 to M1 * % M2 ordinal value
For I=2: n
% to cell cell and the G F the group I combine creation to one dimensional matrix G
G=[G, F {I, 1}].
% will create a cell and the G matrix Ar merger d matrix G
G=[G; Ar];
Audiowrite (G, fs, nbits, 'D: \ MATLAB - MusicWatermrk \ code \ audio \ \ test 7 audio watermark embedding and extraction wav');
Subplot (212); The plot (G);
The title (' with the voice of the watermark signal waveform figure).
The axis ([0. 350000-2, 2]);
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