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PS selection and related tools


The concept of district
District is within the district on the concept of image adjustment, cut, copy
Shift box selected as square, Alt box to choose for the center with the mouse,
To establish the basic way of rectangle
Ctrl + D cancel selection (Ctrl + Z back one step, Ctrl + Alt + Z retreat, redo Ctrl + Shift + Z), Ctrl + Shift + D to choose step selection (selection of record last), Ctrl + H to hide the ants line shows (hidden extra content, all kinds of auxiliary reference line, but the selection remains)
Ctrl + H: menu view display additional content,
District to save and load the

Right click to select storage selection (panel) is being saved to the channel, find: right-click the workspace load selection
Selection of basic adjustment way
District to add mobile tailoring, transformation and so on preliminary understanding
Seven A12 - box type tool
The rectangular marquee tool options parameter

District of the four combinations: Shift run-off, Shift + Alt cross districts, Alt decrease,
Note: Ctrl + click on the layer shrinkage at the graph layer graphics developed districts
Reverse choice: Ctrl + Shift + I
Style: fixed size, proportion, width swap

Change the scale unit: right-click scale

Fixed size: set the size directly click on finish
Choose and cover: for cutout, introduced later
The elliptical marquee tool
The stack switch tools: Shift + tools before and after the shortcut key switch stack, Alt click tools icon before and after the switch stack

Cancel the sawtooth filling in fewer burrs,

Fill the foreground: Alt + Delete/Alt + backspace, fill the background color: Ctrl + Delete/Ctrl + backspace key
Single row marquee tool
The vertical line marquee tool
Feather knowledge
Feather: the edge of the soft/build constituencies Shift + F6 to add feather amount,
Menu - the selection, modification and feather
Feather pixels below 50% transparency ants box will cancel, according to
Transparent pixels below 50% throughout the district, district does not display the
The lasso tool
Polygonal lasso tool

Backspace key/Delete key retracement

Closed (end) : 1, when two points are approaching click the small circle will be closed end
2, double click the left mouse button to end
3, Ctrl + mouse left click end,
4, Enter complete closed
5, flexible polygonal lasso than free lasso can paint pictures outside to convenient to choose the
6, hold down the Alt key can temporarily switch to free the lasso tool
The magnetic lasso tool
1, hold down the Alt key drag can temporarily switch to the polygonal lasso
Width: mouse distance from much farther still can identify the box to choose
Contrast: the picture is not clear contrast to trim the boundary convenient detailed identification, whereas higher
Increases the frequency of box selected control point
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