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Ai tool is introduced and the method of use


Development tools and key technology: MVC
Author: Zhong Chuyu; Grade: 2025; Time to write: on April 1, 2021
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The Ai tool is introduced and the method of use

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Development tools and key technology:
Author: Zhong Chuyu
Time to write: 2021/4/1
Look for the red arrow, a total of 18 steps, sequentially operating on
1. Open the ai after the left side of the interface is the toolkit, we use the drawing tools basic are all here, as the chart
2. In the toolkit we find key to introduce and use, first of all, the most important is the pen tool, as shown:

3. Use the pen tool we can draw the pattern of the needs, select the pen tool we click the left mouse button can be made in the drawing zone, as shown in the

4. In the toolkit find rectangle tool, as shown in

5. Select the rectangle tool, we can draw rectangle and square in the drafting zone ", as shown:

6. Click on the rectangle with the arrow keys at the lower right to enter the sub menu, you can see there are many tools, as shown in figure:

7. Select the halo tool, you can draw a halo graphic in the drawing area ", as shown in the

After 8. Draw good graphics we need choose one of the most important tool, find it in the toolkit, as shown:

After 9. Select the selection tool, use left key of mouse click can be select, as shown:
10. Then in the toolkit we can find the eraser tool, use it can erase don't need the graphics, as shown in figure:

11. In the bottom right hand corner of the tool box click on the eraser arrow can see there are a lot of tools for us to choose, as shown in the

12 in the toolkit is a small icon is a hand tool, its function is to move the location of the workspace, drag the left mouse button pressed on, and then select the magnifying glass icon next to the it is zoom tool, is used to amplify the workspace, left key of mouse, mouse the left key + Alt, shortcut: the blank space key + left mouse button=hand tool, Alt + mouse wheel=zoom tool

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