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AI advanced tutorial


1, typing, choose a good font
For everybody can make the same effect with the leaf, we here at font choices, own choice system, classical and beautiful Arial Bold, text, with a white background with black, what I use is not pure black, is # 070601, feel so not so eyes,

2, 3 D rotation + perspective
Selected just hit a good word, execution: the top toolbar - effect - 3 d - rotation, parameter as follows, remember to add perspective, nearly depending small ~

3, the use of hybrid instruments
In AI, hybrid instruments can be said to be an artifact, can create a more brilliant effect, the effect of the thickness of this text + fade is done by using hybrid instruments,
First, we put on the text after step 3 d rotation, upwards and downwards respectively copy a,

To orange # ef9830 then put in the middle of the word, the word suck the background color, like the image below

Next we mix is about to begin!
Selected at the same time in the middle of the orange and the black words, execution: the top toolbar - object - mixing - blending options, spacing selection: the specified steps, parameter is set to 100 steps, (some classmates may start card here, parameters of the bigger the card, so you can set up a little bit small, depends on the specific effect)
Mixing principle is to make two or more layers of mixed attribute, we set up according to the specified steps of mixing, is to make the orange words moved in 100 after step into black word, so that they can produce between thickness and merge with background a little bit fade effect,
And why is 100 steps, because if they are 10 steps, but they have so far, the distance between the ten elements will be independent very clearly, just discover (don't believe you can try)

Set up after the blending options, that's not all, perform it again: object - mixing - set up, you will find that they mix well, but why is not the same as imagination

This is because: mixing is according to the layer order, will be the default from the above layer properties, mix to the layer below,

At this time there are two solutions:
Method 1, inside the layers panel, the orange black layer layer mentioned above, the system will automatically to give us a hybrid,
Method 2, the execution: object - mixing - reverse stack, OK!!

4, make text stroke
Selected at the top of the white text, on the left toolbar color here, click on the icon of the switch, you can swap coloring and stroke: the white filling is shut, to open the white stroke,

Some students may not have this property in the toolbar on the left, it doesn't matter, see if you are the top bar, according to attribute (text) or open (swatches) in (window), are you can change the word fill and stroke information, as shown in figure

Switch to after stroke, we need to set some stroke parameters: inside the window - stroke open the popup window, in the picture below the thickness to 1 pt, endpoint, choose options, among with such lines are round, looks more comfortable, and then checked (dotted line), the smaller the parameter of bolt is dense, the bigger the osteoporosis, according to your own text size to adjust the line,

This time we this tutorial actually ended, but now look on the drawing are ugly, because too much between the three text layer, did not feel that overlap, it is necessary to adjust the
White dotted line words move down a bit, mix of black character to move up a bit, double-click the hybrid layer to get into the group, the inside of the modified layer separately,
But if your computer card, don't operate in mixed group, otherwise the AI may crash!
You can cancel first hybrid (object - mixing - release), to set up, after moving the layer

Does it feel like dangdang ~ after adjustment, it came out ~ ~
We have kaka a typesetting, (remember the time of adjustment to perform: object - to expand the appearance, otherwise it will be a card has been in a mixed state yo), complete!

This simple layout effect, there is a small skills also share with you:
1, will make good effect on word selection, marshalling and Ctrl + G
2, open (swatches) and pull the marshalling good words into, is created a swatches
3, draw a black rectangle, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F in situ paste a rectangular out
4, select the rectangle and choose just dragged into text in swatches swatches

Is the ease with which will be done
If feel the harvest, don't forget to leave a message to thumb up, o ~
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