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Locus set point set after the set up, run successfully, but there is no waiting for monitoring found


Locus set point set after the set up, run successfully, but there is no waiting for monitoring found that the coma request, but directly send request, please take a look at what's going on?

The import locust
# the from gevent. _semaphore import Semaphore
Import gevent # collection point: multi-user concurrent operation at the same time (monitoring platform to set the number of users, such as 100, a total of 100 users, add 5 per second, will wait until 100 only when user send request together,

# 3, set point
All_locusts_spawned=gevent. _semaphore. Semaphore () # collection class instantiation
All_locusts_spawned. Acquire () # lock

Def on_hatch_complete (* * kwargs) :
# all_locusts_spawned. Release () releases the lock

# hanging on to locust hooks (all instances of locust produce complete trigger)
Old version: # locust. Events. Hatch_complete +=on_hatch_complete
Locust. Events. Spawning_complete. Add_listener (on_hatch_complete ())

# 2, the main function calls the task of class, the class name can be arbitrarily
The class UserBehavior2 (locust. The TaskSet) :
# 1. The constructor, can put the variable
Def on_start (self) :
The self. The index=0
Print ("======onstart begin: ")
All_locusts_spawned. Wait () # collection point: create hook method
Print ("======onstart end: ")

@ locust. Task
Def test_visit (self) :
Url="/getJoke? Page="+ STR (self) parent) share_data [2]) +" & amp; The count="+ STR (self. Index + 2)
Res=self. Client. Get (url, name='getJoke paging query')
Res=res. Text
# 1. Inheritance locust. HttpUser class as the main function, equivalent to the main, class names can be arbitrary
The class WebSiteUser232323 (locust. HttpUser) : # locust. HttpLocust
Measured website domain name # 1.
The host='https://api.apiopen.top'

# 3. The performance test task types: login or register
The tasks=[UserBehavior2] # call which task

# 4. The waiting time is set
Wait_time=locust. Between (3, 7)
# locust -f locustS. Py - host=https://www.baidu.com localhost: 8089

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