Hf=figure (' position ', 200, 200, 600, 400], [' name ', 'uicontrol1', 'numbertitle', 'off');
Ha=axes (' position ', [0.4 0.1 0.5 0.7], 'box', 'on').
Hbsin=uicontrol (hf, the 'style', 'pushbutton', 'the position', 50140100, 30], [' string ', 'to plot sin (x)', 'callback' [' subplot (ha). '
'x=0-0. 1:4 * PI; '
'the plot (x, sin (x)); '
'the axis (1] [0 4 * PI - 1); '
'the xlabel (" x "); '
'ylabel (" y=sin (x) "); '
'if the get (hcgrid, "value")==1; '
'the grid on; '
'the else; '
'the grid off; '
'end; '])
Do not match the dimensions of the matrix series
Where is is wrong