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Questions about the matplotlib library reference


Recently, the basis of learning matplotlib problems encountered a function call, the following
X_values=list (range (1, 1001))
Y_values=[x * * 2 for x in x_values]

PLT. Scatter (x_values, y_values, c=y_values, cmap=PLT) cm. The Blues, edgecolor='none', s=40)

Want to test a gradient field, in which the cmap parameter PLT) cm. Blues

The problem is that opened the cm. Py module source code, failed to find any explanation about color gamut values, namely there is no any attributes in cm to take Blues,
Then try to open the _cm. Py module that is punctuated with datad dictionary
'Blues: _Blues_data,
'BrBG: _BrBG_data,
'BuGn: _BuGn_data,
'BuPu: _BuPu_data,
'CMRmap: _CMRmap_data,
'GnBu: _GnBu_data,
'Greens' : _Greens_data,
'Greys' : _Greys_data,
'OrRd: _OrRd_data,
'Oranges: _Oranges_data,
'PRGn: _PRGn_data,
'PiYG: _PiYG_data,
'PuBu: _PuBu_data,
'PuBuGn: _PuBuGn_data,
'PuOr: _PuOr_data,
'PuRd: _PuRd_data,
'Purples: _Purples_data,
'RdBu: _RdBu_data,
'RdGy: _RdGy_data,
'RdPu: _RdPu_data,
'RdYlBu: _RdYlBu_data,
'RdYlGn: _RdYlGn_data,
'the Reds' : _Reds_data,
'Spectral: _Spectral_data,
'Wistia: _wistia_data,
'YlGn: _YlGn_data,
'YlGnBu: _YlGnBu_data,
'YlOrBr: _YlOrBr_data,
'YlOrRd: _YlOrRd_data,
'afmhot: _afmhot_data,
'autumn' : _autumn_data,
'binary' : _binary_data,
'ipads' : _bone_data,
'BRG: _brg_data,
'the BWR: _bwr_data,
'cool' : _cool_data,
'coolwarm: _coolwarm_data,
' 'cooper: _copper_data,
'cubehelix: _cubehelix_data,
'flag' : _flag_data,
'gist_earth: _gist_earth_data,
'gist_gray: _gist_gray_data,
'gist_heat: _gist_heat_data,
'gist_ncar: _gist_ncar_data,
'gist_rainbow: _gist_rainbow_data,
'gist_stern: _gist_stern_data,
'gist_yarg: _gist_yarg_data,
'gnuplot: _gnuplot_data,
'gnuplot2: _gnuplot2_data,
'gray' : _gray_data,
'hot' : _hot_data,
'HSV: _hsv_data,
'the jet: _jet_data,
'nipy_spectral: _nipy_spectral_data,
'ocean: _ocean_data,
'pink' : _pink_data,
'the prism: _prism_data,
'rainbow' : _rainbow_data,
'seismic: _seismic_data,
'spring' : _spring_data,
'summer' : _summer_data,
'terrain: _terrain_data,
'winter' : _winter_data,
# Qualitative
'Accent: {' listed' : _Accent_data},
'Dark2: {' listed' : _Dark2_data},
'Paired: {' listed' : _Paired_data},
'Pastel1: {' listed' : _Pastel1_data},
'Pastel2: {' listed' : _Pastel2_data},
'characters: {' listed' : _Set1_data},
'Set2: {' listed' : _Set2_data},
'Set3: {' listed' : _Set3_data},
'tab10: {' listed' : _tab10_data},
'tab20: {' listed' : _tab20_data},
'tab20b: {' listed' : _tab20b_data},
'tab20c: {' listed' : _tab20c_data},

But always don't understand the use of PLT. Cm. Blues how call or reference, strives for the great god give directions

CodePudding user response:

PLT. Cm. Where did the Blues

CodePudding user response:

I know, recently also in worry about this problem
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