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Chen Mingxuan


Water ripples

1, continue to open the file yesterday, the new one the same as the file size of file
2, make the basis of random wave, the first to have random noise
Click on the filter & gt; Noise & gt; Add noise, the number of 400%, the gaussian distribution, check the monochrome, confirm will make noise

3, the noise is abrupt, for this time of the water ripples, but do we need to texture is soft, the textile & gt; Fuzzy & gt; Gaussian blur, radius here chose the 1.6 May, according to their own needs to adjust the radius, can form different corrugated
4, in order to increase water lines floating color difference and administrative levels sense, we need to red, green and blue respectively three-channel relief effect of different processing
Click on the red channel filter & gt; Stylized & gt; Embossed effect, Angle of 90 degrees, high pixel is 1, 500% channel number of embossment effect height and Angle can be adjust by itself, the synthetic effect of color transformation will be different

Select the green channel, click on the filter & gt; Stylized & gt; Relief effect, the 180 - degree Angle choose here, height 1 pixel, quantity 500%
Select the blue channel, click on the filter & gt; Stylized & gt; Relief effect, the 270 - degree Angle choose here, height 1 pixel, quantity 500%

5. In production by far and near the water wave effect, first the background layer into editable state
Point back to the RGB channels, back to the layer column;

Confirm the layer for editable layer

6. Then there is the layer 0 effect to transform from far and near the ripple effect of
First to reduce the view window to a certain extent, the following figure;

CTRL + T transform, right-click perspective, mouse the left key and hold a Angle, pulled outward, as far as possible to the edge
Confirmation, this time we enlarged view, you can see the ripple effect is out

7. The ripple voltage is probably down to the position of the reflection

8, Ctrl + shift + S save as, storage for water ripple file

8. The water reflection replacement into vivid reflection of water ripple effect, reflection back to our original file, select the reflection layer, click on the filter & gt; Twisted & gt; Displacement, horizontal scale set 10 (5 ~ 20), vertical scaling set 80 (60 ~ 100), a replacement figure is set to stretch to fit, repeated set to undefined area edge pixels
Level can set smaller proportion, vertical scaling set a few bigger, so better replacement out water lines click confirmation, step on the choice of doing water ripple files, will be kicked out the following water ripple effect

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