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Reinforcement learning keras DQN MountainCar program can't convergence


Before I was mainly the work of circulating neural network, want to get started learning recently, therefore made up a few sample test, in mountaincar was stuck on the sample for a month, hope can have bosses in spite of being very busy toglance take time to look at, very grateful,
The program is based on the keras library DQN reinforcement learning program, perform well in the cartpole problem, but always can't convergence on mountaincar, I also have program by comparison with others, but always can't find the problem where, hope is predestined friends the human to be able to answer, or could you tell me some web sites to solve the problem, this is the first time to ask questions, really make uncertain, thank you thank you,

 import numpy as np 
The from tensorflow. Keras import models, the layers, optimizers
The import gym
Import the random
The from the collections import deque


The class model (object) :
Def __init__ (self, obs_num act_num) :
Self. Obs_num=obs_num
Self. Dense1_size=100
Self. Act_num=act_num
Def model_construct (self) :
Inputs=the layers. The Input (shape=(self. Obs_num), batch_size=batch_size)
X=the layers. Dense (self dense1_size, activation='relu') (inputs)
Outputs=the layers. Dense (self. Act_num) (x)
The model=models. Model (inputs=inputs and outputs=outputs)
Return the model

The class RL_algorithm (model) :
Def __init__ (self, obs_num act_num, learning_rate=0.001, r_delay=0.95, e_greedy=[0.1, 0.99, 0.01], memory_size=2000) :
Self. Obs_num=obs_num
Self. Act_num=act_num
Self. Step_num=0
Super (RL_algorithm, self) __init__ (obs_num=self. Obs_num act_num=self. Act_num)
The self. The model=self. Model_construct ()
Self.model.com from running (loss='mse, the optimizer=optimizers. Adam (learning_rate))
Self. Model_target=self. Model_construct ()
Self.model_target.com from running (loss='mse, the optimizer=optimizers. Adam (learning_rate))
Self. Model_target. Set_weights (self) model) get_weights ())
The self. The memory=deque (maxlen=memory_size)
Self. R_delay=r_delay
The self e_greedy, self e_greedy_decay, self. E_greedy_min=# e_greedy greedy initial value, damping ratio, the minimum

Def predict (self, obs) :
Act=np. Argmax (self) model) predict (obs))
Return the act

Def esample (self, obs) :
If np. Random. Uniform (0, 1) & gt; Self. E_greedy:
Act=self. Predict (obs)
The else:
Act=np. Random. Randint (self act_num)
Return the act

Def sync_target (self) :
Self. Model_target. Set_weights (self) model) get_weights ())

Def egreedy_update (self) :
If self. E_greedy & gt; Self. E_greedy_min:
Self. E_greedy *=self. E_greedy_decay

Def remember (self, data) :
The self. The memory. Append (data)

Def learn (self, obs, act, reward, obs_, done) :
Q_predict=self. Model. Predict (obs)
Q_target=self. Model_target. Predict (obs_)
For I in range (BATCH_SIZE) :
Q_predict [I, act [I]]=reward [I] + (1 - done [I]) * self r_delay * np. Max (Q_target [I:])
Loss=self. Model. Train_on_batch (obs, Q_predict)
The return loss

Def run_episode () :
Obs=env. Reset ()
The done=False
While not done:
Act=DQN. Esample (obs. Reshape ([1, 1]))
Obs_, reward, done, _=env. Step (act)
Reward_total +=reward
If done and reward_total & gt; - 200:
DQN. Remember ([obs, act, reward, obs_, done])
Return reward_total

Def learn_episode () :
DQN. Step_num +=1
Samples.=the random sample (DQN. Memory, BATCH_SIZE)
S, A, R, S_, D=[], [], [], [], []
For experiment in samples:
S.a ppend (experiment [0])
A.a ppend (experiment [1])
Of state Richard armitage ppend (experiment [2])
S_. Append (experiment [3])
Da ppend (experiment [4])
S=np. Array (S). Astype (np) float32)
A=np. Array (A)
R=np. Array (R). Astype (np) float32)
S_=np. Array (S_). Astype (np) float32)
D=np. Array (D). Astype (np) float32)
Loss=DQN. Learn (S, A, R, S_, D)
The return loss

Def test_episode () :
Obs=env. Reset ()
The done=False
While not done:
Act=DQN. Predict (obs. Reshape ([1, 1]))
Obs_, reward, done, _=env. Step (act)
Reward_total +=reward
Step +=1
Return reward_total, step

Def train () :
Reward_max=- 200
For j in range (TRAINING_EPISODE) :
For I in range (SAMPLE_EPISODE) :
Reward=run_episode ()
If reward & gt; Reward_max:
If len (DQN. Memory) & gt; 0.2 * DQN. Memory. Maxlen:
For I in range (LEARNING_EPISODE) :
Loss=learn_episode ()
If j % 50==0:
DQN. Sync_target ()
DQN. Egreedy_update ()
Reward, step=test_episode ()
Print (' training_step: 'j' and reward: 'reward,' reward_max: 'reward_max,
', complete_step: 'step,' loss: 'loss)

Def play () :
Obs=env. Reset ()
Env. Render ()
The done=False
While not done:
Act=DQN. Predict (obs. Reshape ([1, 1]))
Obs_, reward, done, _=env. Step (act)
Reward_total +=reward
Env. Render ()
Print (' play ', 'reward:' int (reward_sum))

Env=gym. Make (' MountainCar - where v0 ')
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