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Through agents or on the website of the company network shielding


Company on the Internet such as youku video websites, so thinking of using the computer in his home run ccproxy set up proxy server
Very not easy network penetration, build successful proxy server, but the company through a proxy server or computer on the youku

Proxifier log shows:
[05.25 16:17:06] IEXPLORE. EXE - youku.com: 80, 58588: open by proxy SOCKS5
[05.25 16:17:06] IEXPLORE. EXE - youku.com: 80 closed, 279 bytes sent, has received 314 bytes, and lifetime & lt;
1 SEC16:17:11 [05.25] IEXPLORE. EXE - error: can not connect through the agent - proxy server cannot establish a connection with the target - regular SOCKS server failure,
16:17:11 [05.25] IEXPLORE. EXE - error: can not connect through the agent - proxy server cannot establish a connection with the target - regular SOCKS server failure,

To ask a great god, and what is the solution
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