Home > other >  [for] about R analyses emotional language, each data score zero how broken
[for] about R analyses emotional language, each data score zero how broken


Analysis on some movie douban emotion in all scores after calculating the emotional score zero have great god help solve
Case description: 1) should be no problem, the data source, to each other can the results of others; 2) code problem should also not... Because in someone else's data can be the result... ; 3) software: R3.6 64
My results: returns the value of the EmotionRank is 0, but with someone else's data is normal,2,3,4,0 1, 1, 2,...,
Is the biggest problem: I don't know exactly where there are problems help great god

The following is the code:
The library (rJava)
The library (Rwordseg)
Evaluation<- read. CSV (file=file. Choose (), encoding='UFT - 8, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote="")
The text & lt; - gsub (' [a zA - Z0-9] ', ' ', Evaluation $Evaluation)
# should be able to read the words and negative evaluation thesaurus
Nwords<- readLines (" D: \ \ documents \ \ specialized courses in courseware + report \ \ \ \ \ \ positive word web mining. TXT ")
Pwords<- readLines (" D: \ \ documents \ \ specialized courses in courseware + report \ \ \ \ \ \ negative word web mining. TXT ")
# data cleaning and use function will list each comments displayed in the form of a vector
X<- gsub (pattern="HTTP: [a zA - Z \ \/\ \. 0-9] +", "", the text)
X<- gsub (" \ n ", "", the text)
X<- gsub (" ", "", the text)
The word=lapply (x=text, FUN=strsplit, "")

X<- segmentCN (x)
# calculation emotional score
# define getEmotionalType function, emotional score calculated
GetEmotionalType & lt; - the function (x, pwords, nwords) {
EmotionType & lt; - numeric (0)
XLen & lt; - length (x)
EmotionType [1: xLen] <0
The index & lt; 1
While (index & lt;={xLen)
YLen & lt; [[index]] - length (x)
Index2 & lt; 1
While (index2 & lt;={yLen)
If (length (pwords [[[index]] pwords==x [index2]]) & gt;=1) {
EmotionType [index] <- emotionType [index] + 1
} else if (length (nwords [[[index]] nwords==x [index2]]) & gt;=1) {
EmotionType [index] <- emotionType [index] - 1
Index2 & lt; - index2 + 1
# get progress
If (index % %==0 100) {
Print (round (index/xLen, 3))
The index & lt; - index + 1
# use EmotionRank shown in the form of table
EmotionRank & lt; - getEmotionalType (x, pwords, nwords)
CommentEmotionalRank & lt; - the list (rank=EmotionRank, comment=text)
CommentEmotionalRank & lt; - the as. The data frame (commentEmotionalRank)
Fix (commentEmotionalRank)

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