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Def sendKey, def elementclick call def getElement to positioning element type failure, how to change


# def sendKey, def elementclick call def getElement failed to positioning element type judgment,
Vision: click element is XPTH type, called def getElement, if not loactorType "id", to identify can enter getByType, and successfully read related elements positioning information
Results: call def getElement, if not loactorType "id", as if did not enter to identify getByType, result in error reminder "selenium.com mon. Exceptions. NoSuchElementException: Message: no to element: Unable to locate the element: {" method" : "xpath", "selector" : "//* [@ id=" db - global - nav "]/div/div [1]/ul/li [2]/a/span [1] "} "

The original code BasePage. Py
The from selenium.webdriver.com mon. By the import by
The from traceback import print_stack

The class BasePage () :
Def __init__ (self, driver) :
The self. The driver=driver

Def getByType (self, loactorType) :
# unified lowercase
LoactorType=loactorType. The lower ()
If loactorType=="id" :
Return By. ID
Elif loactorType=="name" :
Return By the NAME
Elif loactorType=="xpath" :
Return By the XPATH
Elif loactorType=="class" :
Elif loactorType=="CSS" :
Elif loactorType=="linktext" :
Return By. LINK_TEXT
The else:
Print (" element type: "+ loactorType +" does not exist ")
Return False

Def getElement (self, locator, locatorType="id") :
LocatorType=locatorType. The lower ()
ByType=self. GetByType (locatorType)
Element=self. Driver. Find_element (byType a locator)
Print (" find succss element ")

Print (" element for failure ")
The return element

Def sendKey (self, data, locator, locatorType="id") :
# byType=self. GetByType (locatorType)
Element=self. GetElement (locator, locatorType)

element. Send_keys (data)Print (" data sent successfully ")

Print (" data sent failure ")
Print_stack ()

Def elementclick (self, locator, locatorType="id") :
# byType=self. GetByType (locatorType)
Element=self. GetElement (locator, locatorType)

element. The click ()Print (" click succss element ")

Print (" elements "+ locator, click on the" failure ")
Print_stack ()

Related to the original code: test_login. Py
The from the selenium import webdriver
The from selenium.webdriver.com mon. By the import by
The from page. Login_page import LoginPage
The import unittest
The import time

The class LoginTest (unittest. TestCase) :
Def test_login (self) :
Driver=webdriver. Chrome ()
Driver. Maximize_window ()
Driver. Implicitly_wait (20)
Driver. The get (URL)

# enter the inside of the iframe box
Driver. Switch_to. Frame (driver. Find_element (By XPATH, '//* [@ id="anony - reg - new"]/div/div [1]/iframe'))
# switch to "account password"
Qf=driver. Find_element (By XPATH, '/HTML/body/div [1]/div [1]/ul [1]/li [2]')
Qf. Click ()
Lp=LoginPage (driver)
Lp. Login (' XXXXX ', '123456')

Driver. Switch_to. Default_content ()

The username=driver. Find_element (By XPATH, '//* [@ id="db - global - nav"]/div/div [1]/ul/li/span [1] [2]/a')
If the username is not None:
Print (" login successful ")
The else:
Print (' login failed ')
Driver. The quit ()

Related to the original code: login_page. Py
The from selenium.webdriver.com mon. By the import by
The from page. BasePage import BasePage

The class LoginPage (BasePage) :
Def __init__ (self, driver) :
Super () __init__ (driver)
The self. The driver=driver

# positioning element
# _iframebox='//* [@ id="anony - reg - new"]/div/div [1]/iframe'
# _loginqf='//* [@ id="anony - reg - new"]/div/div [1]/iframe'
_login_bt='/HTML/body/div [1]/div [2]/div [1]/div [5]/a'

Def enternumber (self, number) :
Self. SendKey (number, the self. _user_name)
Def enterpasswd (self, passwd) :
Self. SendKey (passwd, self _password_pd)
Def clickbt (self) :
Self. Elementclick (self. _login_bt)

Def login (self, number, passwd) :
Self. Enternumber (number)
Self. Enterpasswd (passwd)
Self. Clickbt ()

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