Home > other >  PHP XML Trying to add stock_quantity by item id into main feed
PHP XML Trying to add stock_quantity by item id into main feed


I would like merge two feeds the one has all product data and has an product identifier ITEM_ID in every , the second XML feed has same value as ITEM_ID in <item id=""> and inside this <item> has stock_quantity tag but I can't figure it out how to merge these values.. The three dots in XML content means that there are more item tags

The first feed (items.xml) looks like:

        <![CDATA[ <p><span>Just an description.&nbsp;</span></p> ]]>

The second feed (stock.xml) loks like:

  <item id="A093">
   <delivery_time orderDeadline="2021-09-14 12:00">2021-09-16 12:00</delivery_time>

So I trying something like this (similar method like the $item->ITEM_ID was in separate tag in stock.xml) but doesn't work for me..


$catalog_name = 'items.xml';
$catalog_url = 'https://admin.srovnej-ceny.cz/export/ca1b20bb6415b2d93ff36c9e3df3f96c.xml';
file_put_contents($catalog_name, fopen($catalog_url, 'r'));

$stock_name = 'stock.xml';
$stock_url = 'https://www.korkmaz.cz/heureka/export/availability.xml';
file_put_contents($stock_name, fopen($stock_url, 'r'));

$stocks=simplexml_load_file("stock.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");

foreach($stocks->children() as $item) {


        $_stocks["" . $item['id'] . ""] = $item->stock_quantity;


$xml=simplexml_load_file("items.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$dom->encoding = 'utf-8';

$dom->xmlVersion = '1.0';

$dom->formatOutput = true;

$xml_file_name = 'products.xml';

$root = $dom->createElement('SHOP');


foreach($xml->children() as $item) {


    $item_node = $dom->createElement('SHOPITEM');

    //$track = $xml->addChild('item');

    $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('ITEM_ID', $item->ITEM_ID ));

    $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('PRODUCTNAME',  htmlspecialchars($item->PRODUCTNAME) ));

    $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('DESCRIPTION', htmlspecialchars($item->DESCRIPTION)));

    $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('MANUFACTURER', $item->MANUFACTURER));

    $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('EAN', strval($item->EAN) ));

    $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('IMGURL', strval($item->IMGURL)));
  $item_node->appendChild($dom->createElement('PRICE_VAT', strval($item->PRICE_VAT)));  

    $item_node->appendChild( $dom->createElement('STOCK', $_stocks["" . $item['id'] . ""] ) );


    $i  ;    




echo "$i items to $xml_file_name has been successfully created";


CodePudding user response:

Without simplexml you can quite easily "merge" the two documents using the standard DOMDocument and DOMXPath functions.

Given input files as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

        <![CDATA[ <p><span>Just an description.&nbsp;</span></p> ]]>
        <![CDATA[ <p><span>Just an description.&nbsp;</span></p> ]]>
        <![CDATA[ <p><span>Just an description.&nbsp;</span></p> ]]>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <item id="A093">
   <delivery_time orderDeadline="2021-09-14 12:00">2021-09-16 12:00</delivery_time>
  <item id="A094">
   <delivery_time orderDeadline="2021-09-14 12:00">2021-09-16 12:00</delivery_time>
  <item id="A095">
   <delivery_time orderDeadline="2021-09-14 12:00">2021-09-16 12:00</delivery_time>

To generate the "combined xml" type output based upon matching item IDS:

    # XML file merge
    Read "stock.xml" and find matching elements in "items.xml"
    - update "items.xml" with nodes cloned from "stock.xml"
    function getdom($file){
        libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
        $dom=new DOMDocument;
        return $dom;
    $xpi=new DOMXPath($items);
    $xps=new DOMXPath($stock);
        If ALL nodes from "stock.xml" are to be merged per ID then set `$merge_only_selected=false`
        `$merge_nodes` is an array of nodes from "stock.xml" that will be merged if `$merge_only_selected` is true
    #Find all items in the "stock.xml" file to get the item ID
    $col=$xps->query( '//item[@id]' );
    foreach( $col as $node ){
        #The ID from the "item"
        # nodelist of items within "items.xml" that have the same ID.
        $item=$xpi->query( sprintf( '//SHOPITEM/ITEM_ID[ text()="%s" ]', $id ) );
        # only proceed if we have found a matching node in "items.xml"
        if( $item && $item->length > 0 ){
            # Find the matched element
            # Find the children from the "item"
            # for each child found, clone it and import to the "items.xml" file
            foreach( $children as $child ){
                if( $child->nodeType==XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $id==$obj->nodeValue ){
                    if( $merge_only_selected==true && !in_array( $child->tagName, $merge_nodes ) ){
                    $obj->parentNode->appendChild( $items->importNode( $clone, true ) );
    #To actually save the modified "items.xml" file:
    #To simply view the changes:
    printf('<textarea cols=150 rows=50>%s</textarea>',$items->saveXML() );

CodePudding user response:

This is a lot easier with DOM Xpath. You can use DOMXpath::evaluate() to fetch node lists and scalar values from the XML.

An Xpath expression like /SHOP/SHOP_ITEM returns a DOMNodeList which implements Traversable to support foreach().

But Xpath expression can return scalar values as well. A boolean if they are a condition or a string/number if they contain a type cast or function call. string(/item_list/item[@id="A093"]/stock_quantity) will return the text content of the first matching node or an empty string.

DOMDocument::importNode() allows you to copy a node from another document. But in this case I would suggest creating a new node with a name matching the existing elements.

// bootstrap the XML
$shopDocument = new DOMDocument();
// ignoring pure whitespace nodes (indentation)
$shopDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
$shopXpath = new DOMXpath($shopDocument);

$stocksDocument = new DOMDocument();
$stocksXpath = new DOMXpath($stocksDocument);

// iterate the shop items
foreach ($shopXpath->evaluate('/SHOP/SHOPITEM') as $shopItem) {
    // get the item ID
    $itemID = $shopXpath->evaluate('string(ITEM_ID)', $shopItem);
    $stockQuantity = 0;
    if ($itemID !== '') {
        // fetch the stock quantity using the item id
        $stockQuantity = (int)$stocksXpath->evaluate(
            "string(/item_list/item[@id = '$itemID']/stock_quantity)"
        // check if here is a "STOCK_QUANTITY" element in the item
        if ($shopXpath->evaluate('count(STOCK_QUANTITY) > 0', $shopItem)) {
            // update it
            foreach ($shopXpath->evaluate('STOCK_QUANTITY', $shopItem) as $quantity) {
                $quantity->textContent = (string)$stockQuantity;
        } else {
            // add one
              ->textContent = (string)$stockQuantity;
$shopDocument->formatOutput = TRUE;
echo $shopDocument->saveXML();
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