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Read XML in SSMS


I'm trying to produce an output that would give me both long-descriptions, i.e. one in German and one in English. It can be two records with 1 [long-description] column and one [lang] column, or 1 record with both [long-description-de] and [long-description-en] columns. So far I have found 2 methods, not sure which is better but I'm still not able to produce the exact output with either of them:

-- XML
DECLARE @idoc INT, @doc NVARCHAR(max);   
SET @doc ='  
  <offer sku="123456">
    <long-description xml:lang="de-DE">German</long-description>
    <long-description xml:lang="en-US">English</long-description>

-- Method 1 
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc;   

FROM   OPENXML (@idoc, '/enfinity/offer/long-description')   
WITH(               sku   int    '../sku',
               [long-description]      nvarchar(max)         '../long-description',
               lang         nvarchar(max)         '../@lang');

-- Method 2
SET @T = @doc

SELECT Y.ID.value('@sku', 'nvarchar(max)') as [sku],
        Y.ID.value('@long-description', 'nvarchar(max)') as [long-description-de],
        Y.ID.value('@long-description', 'nvarchar(max)') as [long-description-en]
FROM @T.nodes('/enfinity/offer') as Y(ID)

CodePudding user response:

Please try the following solution.

Important points:

  • It is better to use XML data type instead of NVARCHAR(MAX).
  • It is better not to use Microsoft proprietary OPENXML(). It was made for the now obsolete SQL Server 2000.
  • It is better to use XQuery methods .nodes() and .value(). They are available starting from MS SQL Server 2005 onwards.
  • It is important to distinguish XML element vs. attributes. That's why your both attempts didn't work.


  <offer sku="123456">
    <long-description xml:lang="de-DE">German</long-description>
    <long-description xml:lang="en-US">English</long-description>

SELECT c.value('@sku', 'nvarchar(max)') as [sku]
    , c.value('(long-description[@xml:lang="de-DE"]/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as [long-description-de]
    , c.value('(long-description[@xml:lang="en-US"]/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as [long-description-en]
FROM @doc.nodes('/enfinity/offer') as t(c);


 -------- --------------------- --------------------- 
|  sku   | long-description-de | long-description-en |
 -------- --------------------- --------------------- 
| 123456 | German              | English             |
 -------- --------------------- --------------------- 
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