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How to print/render in a table Firebase information REACT JS


Before posting I always google, youtube, forums or try to figure it by myself or even check other people questions that are similar but I'm stuck sadly.

So I'm using firestore database, the user can create a "student" and the data is the firestore is saved like this:

enter image description here

It saves the course, Name, school, and the UID of the person that create it. So far I have no problems importing that information to the firestore now the issue is to bring it back in a table, I do not understand why is not being printed.

The console Log is printing all the students 1 by 1 all the students in the array (is cause is going through all the info)

enter image description here

Now as you can see the table is empty! and I do not understand WHY!!! Very frustrated

This are snips of the code that are relevant:

  • DB part:
useEffect(() => {
        .get().then((snapshot) => {
                   (snapshot.forEach(doc => {
                      const data = doc.data();
    }, []);
  • Map/Rendering
                {estudiantes.map((e) => (

                        <tr >

                        <input onChange = {(event) => {
                            let checked = event.target.checked;
                        type="checkbox" checked = "">

                        <td >{e.name}</td>
                        <td >{e.school}</td>
                        <td >{e.grade}</td>
  • Whole Code:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { auth, db } from './firebase';
import "./ListadoEstudiantes.css"
import data from "./mock-data.json"
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Checkbox } from '@material-ui/core';

function ListadoEstudiantes({user}) {

    const [contacts, setContacts] = useState(data);
    const history = useHistory("");

    const crearEstudiante = () => {

      const realizarPedidos = () => {
    const estudiantes = [];

    useEffect(() => {
        .get().then((snapshot) => {
                   (snapshot.forEach(doc => {
                      const data = doc.data();
    }, []);

    return (
        <div className="listadoEstudiantes"> 
        <div className="estudiantes_container">
            <h1 className = "estudiantes_container_h1">Listado de estudiantes</h1>
            <button onClick={crearEstudiante} className = "crear_estudiante_boton">Crear Estudiantes</button>
            <h3 className = "estudiantes_container_h3">*Para realizar su pedido seleccione a los estudiantes</h3>
            <div className ="tableContainer">
                    <tr className="Lista">
                            <input type="checkbox"></input>
                {estudiantes.map((e) => (

                        <tr >

                        <input onChange = {(event) => {
                            let checked = event.target.checked;
                        type="checkbox" checked = "">

                        <td >{e.name}</td>
                        <td >{e.school}</td>
                        <td >{e.grade}</td>

            <div className="space" />
            <button onClick={realizarPedidos} className = "crear_estudiante_boton">Realizar Pedidos</button>
            <div className="space" />


export default ListadoEstudiantes

I think that's it, the user is from the Firestore database also the data that I'm importing is a fake data that I used to test the table (and renders with no issues) that can be ignored.

This is how it looks on the fake data and how it should look with the real data (THAT DOESN'T WORK! :'3)

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

estudiantes should be a local state of the component. Therefore, it needs to be captured as a state and use it for table data rendering as follows.

setEstudiantes is a setState function which updates the state asynchornously. Therefore, in order to check the updated state, you need to have the console.log("estudiantes: ", estudiantes) inside the render method (not after setEstudiantes(tempData)). Otherwise, you won't be able to see the updated state.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { auth, db } from "./firebase";
import "./ListadoEstudiantes.css";
import data from "./mock-data.json";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
import { Checkbox } from "@material-ui/core";

function ListadoEstudiantes({ user }) {
  const [contacts, setContacts] = useState(data);
  const [estudiantes, setEstudiantes] = useState([]);
  const history = useHistory("");

  const crearEstudiante = () => {

  const realizarPedidos = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
      .then((snapshot) => {
          const tempData = [];
        snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
          const data = doc.data();

          console.log("Temp Data: ", tempData);
  }, []);

  console.log("estudiantes: ", estudiantes);

  return (
    <div className="listadoEstudiantes">
      <div className="estudiantes_container">
        <h1 className="estudiantes_container_h1">Listado de estudiantes</h1>
        <button onClick={crearEstudiante} className="crear_estudiante_boton">
          Crear Estudiantes
        <h3 className="estudiantes_container_h3">
          *Para realizar su pedido seleccione a los estudiantes
        <div className="tableContainer">
              <tr className="Lista">
                  <input type="checkbox"></input>
              {estudiantes.map((e) => (
                      onChange={(event) => {
                        let checked = event.target.checked;


        <div className="space" />
        <button onClick={realizarPedidos} className="crear_estudiante_boton">
          Realizar Pedidos
        <div className="space" />

export default ListadoEstudiantes;
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