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__init__() missing 7 required positional arguments


I want to Inheritance my animal class to Dog class.Everything is good until ı want to write Dog.add_info() at operation 1.I wrote Dog = Dog(animal) at line 46 but ı think there are a problem but ı can't find out what it is.I learning 'class' thing and 'Inheritance' thing first.

import random
class animal():

    def __init__(self,name,legs,place,move,weight,lenght):
        self.name = name
        self.legs = legs
        self.place = place
        self.move = move
        self.weight = weight
        self.lenght = lenght

    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: {}\nLegs: {}\nPlace: {}\nMove: {}\nWeight: {}\nLenght: {}".format(self,self.name,self.legs,self.place,self.move,self.weight,self.lenght)
    def add_info(self):
        info_name = input("Enter name")
        info_legs = input("Enter how many legs this animal have")
        info_place = input("Enter where this animal live")
        info_move = input("Enter how move this animal")
        info_weight = input("Enter Weight")
        info_lenght =input("Enter lenght")
        self.name = info_name
        self.legs = info_legs
        self.place = info_place
        self.move = info_move
        self.weight = info_weight
        self.lenght = info_lenght

class Dog(animal):

    def __init__(self,name,legs,place,move,weight,lenght,feather,aggresivity):
        self.feather = feather
        self.aggresivity = aggresivity
    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: {}\nLegs: {}\nPlace: {}\nMove: {}\nWeight: {}\nLenght: {}\nFeather: {}\nAggresivity {}".format(self, self.name, self.legs,self.place, self.move,self.weight, self.lenght,self.feather,self.aggresivity)
    def add_info(self):
        info_feather = input("Enter are your dog have feather or not 'have' or 'haven't")
        info_aggresivity =input("Enter are your dog aggresive or passive")
        self.feather = info_feather
        self.aggresivity = info_aggresivity
    def pick_random(self):
        list_dog = ["Labrador","Bulldog","Retriever,","Poodle","Beagle","Husky"]
        random_dog = random.choice(list_dog)
        print("Your dog is :",random_dog)
Dog = Dog(animal)
1 for add info to your dog
2 for get infos your dog have
3 for pick random dog type
q for quit
choice = input("Enter operation: ")
while True:
    if (choice =="q"):
    elif(choice == "1"):

    elif(choice =="2"):

    elif(choice =="3"):

        print("İnvalid operation")

CodePudding user response:

Dog expects all the same arguments as animal; you are passing the class animal itself as a single argument.

Rather than duplicating all the arguments from Animal.__init__, though, use keyword arguments to simplify the definition of Dog.__init__.

First, we'll clean up Animal a little. Note that you were passing self unnecessarily to a lot of methods, as super() already captures the value to pass.

class Animal:

    def __init__(self, *, name, legs, place, move, weight, length, **kwargs):
        self.name = name
        self.legs = legs
        self.place = place
        self.move = move
        self.weight = weight
        self.length = length

    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: {}\nLegs: {}\nPlace: {}\nMove: {}\nWeight: {}\nLength: {}".format(self.name, self.legs, self.place, self.move, self.weight, self.length)

    def add_info(self):
        info_name = input("Enter name")
        info_legs = input("Enter how many legs this animal have")
        info_place = input("Enter where this animal live")
        info_move = input("Enter how move this animal")
        info_weight = input("Enter Weight")
        info_length = input("Enter length")

        self.name = info_name
        self.legs = info_legs
        self.place = info_place
        self.move = info_move
        self.weight = info_weight
        self.length = info_length

Now we define Dog with only the extra arguments; anything intended for the superclass methods will be passed as arbitrary keyword arguments that Dog will pass on.

class Dog(Animal):

    def __init__(self, *, feather, aggresivity, **kwargs):
        self.feather = feather
        self.aggresivity = aggresivity

    def __str__(self):
        x = super().__str__()
        return x   "\nFeather: {}\nAggresivity {}".format(self.feather, self.aggresivity)

    def add_info(self):
        info_feather = input("Enter are your dog have feather or not 'have' or 'haven't")
        info_aggresivity =input("Enter are your dog aggresive or passive")
        self.feather = info_feather
        self.aggresivity = info_aggresivity

    def pick_random(self):
        list_dog = ["Labrador","Bulldog","Retriever,","Poodle","Beagle","Husky"]
        random_dog = random.choice(list_dog)
        print("Your dog is :",random_dog)

Finally, we instantiate Dog using keyword arguments.

d = Dog(name="...", legs="...", ...) # etc

CodePudding user response:

When initializing a class, you must provide all of the arguments required by the init method. See this great (and similarly themed) answer which illustrates the right way to initialize a instance:

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, legs, colour):
        self.legs = legs
        self.colour = colour

fido = Dog(4, "brown")
spot = Dog(3, "mostly yellow")

In your case, you need to provide all of the required arguments: name, legs, place, move, weight, length, feather, aggresivity.

If you'd like to write a function which helps a user instantiate an instance, you could create a classmethod:

class Animal:

    def add_info(cls):
        info_name = input("Enter name")
        info_legs = input("Enter how many legs this animal have")
        info_place = input("Enter where this animal live")
        info_move = input("Enter how move this animal")
        info_weight = input("Enter Weight")
        info_lenght =input("Enter lenght")

        return cls(

now, calling Animal.add_info() will prompt the user for the correct attributes and then return a properly instantiated object.

CodePudding user response:

This answer is based on the information in my comments above:

import random
class animal():

    def __init__(self,name,legs,place,move,weight,length):
        self.name = name
        self.legs = legs
        self.place = place
        self.move = move
        self.weight = weight
        self.length = length

    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: {}\nLegs: {}\nPlace: {}\nMove: {}\nWeight: {}\nlength: {}".format(self,self.name,self.legs,self.place,self.move,self.weight,self.length)
    def add_info(self):
        info_name = input("Enter name")
        info_legs = input("Enter how many legs this animal have")
        info_place = input("Enter where this animal live")
        info_move = input("Enter how move this animal")
        info_weight = input("Enter Weight")
        info_length =input("Enter length")
        self.name = info_name
        self.legs = info_legs
        self.place = info_place
        self.move = info_move
        self.weight = info_weight
        self.length = info_length

class Dog(animal):

    def __init__(self, name="sparky", legs=4, place="right here", move=True, \
            weight="45 pounds", length="30 inches", feather=False, aggresivity="friendly"):
        super().__init__(name, legs, place ,move, weight, length)
        self.feather = feather
        self.aggresivity = aggresivity
    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: {}\nLegs: {}\nPlace: {}\nMove: {}\nWeight: {}\nlength: {}\nFeather: {}\nAggresivity {}".format(self, self.name, self.legs,self.place, self.move,self.weight, self.length,self.feather,self.aggresivity)
    def add_info(self):
        info_feather = input("Enter are your dog have feather or not 'have' or 'haven't")
        info_aggresivity =input("Enter are your dog aggresive or passive")
        self.feather = info_feather
        self.aggresivity = info_aggresivity
    def pick_random(self):
        list_dog = ["Labrador","Bulldog","Retriever,","Poodle","Beagle","Husky"]
        random_dog = random.choice(list_dog)
        print("Your dog is :",random_dog)
Dog = Dog()
1 for add info to your dog
2 for get infos your dog have
3 for pick random dog type
q for quit
while True:
    choice = input("Enter operation: ")
    if (choice =="q"):
    elif(choice == "1"):

    elif(choice =="2"):

    elif(choice =="3"):

        print("İnvalid operation")

Let me know if you have any further questions.

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