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Look from the VoIP and IPTV development direction of transformation of fixed network operators to do


In recent years, the global broadband industry booming, broadband has become important engine to promote the growth of digital economy, however, as the broadband access market gradually saturated, broadband users will gradually slow growth rate, and continuously cut rates could make operators "incremental income", although the global broadband value-added services is still in its infancy, but is expected to become the impetus to promote the growth of broadband market continue, advocate business wu income falling dilemma facing, domestic and international main fixed-line operators are turning to the broadband value-added services, to find new sources of revenue, and VoIP and IPTV is expected to become the operator implementation of strategic transformation, this paper will try to through a lot of the latest data and dynamic news, broadband development status and trends in the world,
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