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VoIP solutions to download large enterprises


Datang updated rich product line and strong extensibility, fully meet the demand of the diversity of businesses, under the condition of the enterprise has a PBX and LAN, MG3000 - R with PBX can be placed in the enterprise room, PBX to connect trunk to MG3000 -r FXS mouth, MG3000 -r access through the Ethernet port to enterprises to export router, complete the user's data and voice communication, keep in the original PBX access link, local business by PBX directly connected to the PSTN long-distance services can be achieved through the platform, if you don't keep the link, both local and long-distance services can be realized by the platform, with no PBX enterprises, can be directly through the MG3000 - R equipment provide enterprises need POTS phone and Ethernet interface, using IP Centrex business platform provide function of PBX,
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