MainActivity code:
Public class MainActivity extends UnityPlayerActivity {
@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
Public void OpenTheMapOfGold12 () {
Intent Intent=new Intent (this, BasicMapActivity. Class);
Enclosing startActivity (intent);
BasicMapActivity code
Public class BasicMapActivity extends the Activity {
MapView mMapView=null;
//Button button2;
@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//get map control reference
MMapView=(MapView) the findViewById (R.i d.m ap);
//the activity executed when onCreate mMapView. OnCreate (savedInstanceState), create a map
MMapView. OnCreate (savedInstanceState);
@ Override
Protected void onDestroy () {
Super. OnDestroy ();
//the activity executed during onDestroy mMapView. OnDestroy (), destroy map
MMapView. OnDestroy ();
@ Override
Protected void onResume () {
Super. OnResume ();
.//the activity executed when onResume mMapView onResume (), to map load
MMapView. OnResume ();
@ Override
Protected void onPause () {
Super. OnPause ();
.//the activity executed during onPause mMapView onPause (), suspend the map drawing
MMapView. OnPause ();
@ Override
Protected void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState) {
Super. OnSaveInstanceState (outState);
.//the activity execution when performing a onSaveInstanceState mMapView onSaveInstanceState (outState), save the current state of the map
MMapView. OnSaveInstanceState (outState);
Unity 'code in
Void OnGUI ()
If (GUI. The Button (new the Rect (100, 100, 100, 100), "Scott map"))
The Debug Log (" dadawd ");
AndroidJavaClass jc=new AndroidJavaClass (com. Unity3d. Player. "UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject Jo=jc. GetStatic
Jo. Call (" OpenTheMapOfGold12 ");
CodePudding user response: