Home > other >  Spark2. X Session cannot use UDTF built-in function problem
Spark2. X Session cannot use UDTF built-in function problem


T.v alid,
T.r emote_addr,
T.r emote_user,
T.t ime_local,
The substring (t.t ime_local, 0, 10),
The substring (t.t ime_local, 11),
The substring (t.t ime_local, 6, 2),
The substring (t.t ime_local, 9, 2),
The substring (t.t ime_local, 12, 2),
T.r equest,
T.s tatus,
T.b ody_bytes_sent,
Todd Harper ttp_referer,
Todd Harper ost,
T.p ath,
T.q uery,
T.q uery_id,
Todd Harper ttp_user_agent
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Lateral view parse_url_tuple (regexp_replace (http_referer '\ "', ' '), 'HOST', 'PATH', 'QUERY', 'QUERY: id') as the HOST b, PATH, QUERY, query_id
) t;"

With SparkSession perform it to the LOG message said parse_url_tuple function is neither a permanent function also is not temporary function
But direct execution in the HIVE it can use the
Seek a solution
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