Home > other >  I am a junior student, I majored electronic information engineering, don't know which direction
I am a junior student, I majored electronic information engineering, don't know which direction


Professional electronic information engineering, studied the C language, take the JAVA, Python, C + recently in self-study HTML front end, also learn the 51 single-chip microcomputer and 32 also made certain understanding, but is not proficient in, I want to ask this professional in the workplace which skills need to be familiar with, thank you for your bosses

CodePudding user response:

I can only tell you that you learn all of these are not way, no matter what you ultimately choose major is, to be focused to the inside of the study, 5-10 years nature can become the senior professionals, and many companies will want to for you

CodePudding user response:

Electronic information is embedded related, like the underlying hardware is engaged in the embedded, you can learn microcontroller, Linux, etc., thank you

CodePudding user response:

Electronic information, under Linux 4412 to understand

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster い speech reply:
professional electronic information engineering, studied the C language, take the JAVA, Python, C + recently in self-study HTML front end, also learn the 51 single-chip microcomputer and 32 also made certain understanding, but is not proficient in, I want to ask this professional in the workplace which skills need to be familiar with, thank you bosses

You learn many computer languages in stem what ah!
A person's ability is not as easy as you would a few computer language, the depth of the theoretical knowledge ability is!

Language: you just need to concentrate on learning C/C + + language and the JAVA language, after work, and other computer language learning according to company requirements, the most taboo some classmates didn't learn C/C + + language, saw others or socially popular Python, are learning Python, the results to work after some years in Python, C/C + + didn't end up learning Python also does not have to learn, learn to understand, a design, do not know how to start,

remember: a person's ability of computer programming is not a few computer language so simple, is to [] algorithm and data structure, [principle of operating system], [computer communication and network], [] database such as the depth of the theoretical knowledge to decide!

CodePudding user response:

Also, try to learn mathematics knowledge and the knowledge of electronics, to work, make a lot of products all need deep mathematical knowledge and the knowledge of electronics, computer knowledge is one of the links,

CodePudding user response:

1, learn microcontroller, c language, data structure, circuit design the most basic things,
2, don't try to learn the inside of the university of each course, each person's energy is limited, oneself must have a special skill,
More than 3, hands-on LABS, are true knowledge is often in practice, many begin, don't try to read the book, a general idea is about to start practice,
Meet don't understand, check material,
4, the electronic professional roughly two directions, one is soft, emphasis on software programming skills, 2 it is hard, emphasizes the underlying development, circuit design ability, choose a direction
Have a future,
5, ramble more of the following electronics web site:
The punctual atomic elder brother
Wildfires BBS
Enjoy wealth lai electronic BBS
6, 300-500 dollars buy a development board, when you put on the development board procedures all debugging through, you are my lover!

when you put on the development board procedures all debugging through, you are my lover!

CodePudding user response:

Suggest to do hardware development, under the sink mind 3 ~ 5 years, and then pick up the software!
Skills, a good development in the future!

CodePudding user response:

Under the above recommended are great, 4412 is recommended to understand and have a look

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor mucheni response:
electronic information, under Linux 4412 know

4412 buy kind of configuration, the cheapest is 500 yuan

CodePudding user response:

Electronic information professional students, what are you doing after? 如果从工程师和研究生的专业方向来看,电子信息专业的方向大概有 1)数字电子线路方向,从事单片机(8位的8051系列,32位的ARM系列等等),FPGA(CPLD),数字逻辑电路,微机接口(串口,并口,USB,PCI)的开发,更高的要求会写驱动程序,会写底层应用程序, 单片机主要用C语言和汇编语言开发,复杂的要涉及到实时嵌入式操作系统(ucLinux,VxWorks,uC-OS,WindowsCE等等)的开发,移植, 大部分搞电子技术的人都是从事这一方向,主要用于工业控制,监控等方面, 2)通信方向,一个分支是工程设计,施工,调试(基站,机房等),另一分支是开发,路由器,交换机,软件等,要懂7号信令,各种通信相关协议,开发平台从ARM,DSP到Linux,Unix, 3)多媒体方向,各种音频,视频编码,解码,mpeg2,mpeg4,h.264,h.263,开发平台主要是ARM,DSP,windows, 4)电源,电源属于模拟电路,包括线性电源,开关电源,变压器等,电源是任何电路中必不可少的部分, 5)射频,微波电路,也就是无线电电子线路,包括天线,微波固态电路等等,属于高频模拟电路,是各种通信系统的核心部分之一, 6)信号处理,这里包括图像处理,模式识别,这需要些数学知识,主要是矩阵代数,概率和随即过程,傅立叶分析,从如同乱麻的一群信号中取出我们感兴趣的成分是很吸引人的事情,有点人工智能的意思,如雷达信号的合成,图像的各种变换,CT扫描,车牌,人脸,指纹识别等等, 7)微电子方向,集成电路的设计和制造分成前端和后端,前端侧重功能设计,FPGA(CPLD)开发也可以算作前端设计,后端侧重于物理版图的实现, 8)还有很多方向,比如音响电路,电力电子线路,汽车飞机等的控制电路和协议,,, 物理专业从事电子技术的人,一般都偏向应用物理较多的方向,这样更能发挥自己的专长,比如模拟电路,射频电路,电源乃至集成电路设计, 您要是有一定物理基础,又爱动手,应该考虑这些比较难的方向,它们虽然入门不易,但是都是非常专业的东东,5年以上经验的基本都月入1万以上(安捷伦在北京招的射频工程师月入4000美元),而且这些专业对外行人来说都是天书,做这些行业是越老越吃香, 但是,这些专业需要您最好读一下该专业的研究生, 如果想找工作容易,就去学学单片机,ARM,FPGA,这种工作很多,几年经验的人收入在6000元以上, 如果不畏惧编程,不怕数学和算法,信号处理,DSP也是很好的选择,能够承担项目的人收入在8千~1万/月左右,*你熟悉网络的话,可以做企事业单位的网管,网络维护,建网站等工作,舒舒服服的, *你能熟练使用C++编程,熟悉操作系统,你可以成为专职程序员,熟悉底层软件你还可以成为系统工程师,是比较受累的活儿,但工资不低呀! * able to skillfully use JAVA, you can deal with object oriented enterprise application development, corporate WEB page design, INTERNET visualization and animation software development, such as a WEB server on the phone JAVA game development, and so on, fashionable work, work when the mood is very important, ha ha! * if you are familiar with Linux, and can completely in the Linux world free competition, you only need a computer, connected to the Internet, and a good mind is enough, your Linux comrades will be according to your opinion, your code and your other contributions to determine your ability, do not sorrow can't find a job, work to come to you! * you can skilled use of protel, you can find a row of circuit boards, such as the design of PC boards, etc., to conform, quiet, otherwise, but can't do for the rest of your life? * you microcontroller, can look for microcontroller programming application aspects, small businesses, small products, which also has its own pleasures, * do you have certain base on DSP, you can be in artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, image processing or data collection, neural networks, and other fields for a job, sure is a great asset to the company in the future! * if you are familiar with the ARM, can be a portable communications products, handheld computing, and embedded multimedia solutions in areas such as a product development engineer, ha, the birth of a new IT elite! * are you familiar with EDA, can skilled application of HDL language, familiar with all kinds of algorithms, such as FIR, FFT, CPU, etc., to master the latest application of FPGA/CPLD device at the same time, the development of independent intellectual property rights of module for ASIC, congratulations you, you can immediately get a monthly salary of thousands of job, what? Won't you? These four years on the white! ? Then ask your teacher how to teach you, come back and ask yourself is how to learn! Looking for a job at the same time, take time to make up a missed lesson! Professional is a good professional, wide applicable, and the computer, communications, electronic have cross; But this line of partial electric, so the beginning ability is very important; In addition, best can is undergraduate course, specialized subject now looking for a job is hard! Except the prawns, of course, this major in math and English requirement is not low, learn depressed to high salaries, the English is a must; Eat technology the bowl of rice, the beginning ability and mathematics is a basic skill, of course, also does not require you to be a mathematician, as long as can understand formula, such as the probability of calculus and statistics formulas, at least know what is said in some linear algebra demand is high, because any book about an algorithm, eventually to matrix calculation algorithm (can programming realized, so the modern electronic engineering is part of the work is programming) for beginning ability, junior is best can welding and assembling a few small circuit, to strengthen simulation, digital and high frequency circuit (the three is the core of the electronic circuit) of perceptual knowledge; Tools you will find the cheapest!!!! Soldering iron, a multimeter is necessary, if money can buy a second-hand oscilloscope circuit diagram, radio often printed magazines, radio enthusiasts of another piece of is good for practical single-chip microcomputer and CPLD/FPGA, DSP microcontroller is will, 51 series microcontroller can, because the most; null
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