Home > other >  Use UCOSIII STM32F4, counting semaphores cannot arouse the task STR has for the zero
Use UCOSIII STM32F4, counting semaphores cannot arouse the task STR has for the zero


Use UCOSIII STM32F4, STR counting semaphores cannot arouse the task has been to 0

The process cannot access the task//RS485 communication task function
Void RS485_task (void * pdata)
OS_ERR err;

While (1)
OSSemPend (& amp; OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING sem_RS485, 0, 0, & amp; Err);//request semaphore
Slave_Service ();//485 receive data processing
OSTimeDlyHMSM (0,0,0,5 OS_OPT_TIME_HMSM_STRICT, & amp; Err);//delay 2 ms

//send a semaphore
1//timer interrupt service routine
//TIM1_Init,84 (200-1-1)//20 ms interrupt
Void TIM3_IRQHandler (void)
If (TIM_GetITStatus (TIM3, TIM_IT_Update)==SET)//overflow interrupt
TIM_ClearITPendingBit (TIM3, TIM_IT_Update);//remove the interrupt flag bit

//TIM3_COUNT + +;
//if (TIM3_COUNT & gt;=10)//if more than 100 ms, complete receiving
RS485_RX_STA=1;//receive complete
OSSemPost (& amp; Sem_RS485 OS_OPT_POST_1, & amp; Err);//send a semaphore
//TIM3_COUNT=0;//data count reset
TIM_Cmd (TIM3, DISABLE);//off timer interrupt

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