Home > other >  Based on ARDIUNO WEMOS ultrasonic obstacle avoidance of the car
Based on ARDIUNO WEMOS ultrasonic obstacle avoidance of the car


The actual code:

//define the serial number and the function
# define Dong1 D6
# define Dong2 D7
# define Zhuan1 D4
# define Zhuan2 D5
# define Echo D2
# define Trig D8

Char * ssid="iPhone";
char *password="1024575686";

Int port=8888;//port
WiFiServer server(port);//set the port number

Long getTime () {//get back and forth time

digitalWrite(Trig, HIGH);
DigitalWrite (Trig, LOW);

return pulseIn(Echo, HIGH);

Void initChaoShengBo () {//initializes the ultrasonic

pinMode(Echo, INPUT);
pinMode(Trig, OUTPUT);

Void initWiFiSta () {//initializes the WIFI module

WiFi. Mode (WIFI_STA);//set the STA model
WiFi. The begin (ssid, password);
While (WiFi. The status ().={WL_CONNECTED)
Serial. Print (", ");
Delay (500);
Serial. Println (WiFi. LocalIP ()); The IP address of the//print via a serial port wemos
Void initL9110S () {//initialization module 911 make for the output

PinMode (Dong1, the OUTPUT);
PinMode (Dong2, the OUTPUT);
PinMode (Zhuan1, the OUTPUT);
PinMode (Zhuan2, the OUTPUT);

Controlled by the rear wheel before and after the//
Void hou () {
DigitalWrite (Dong1, HIGH);
DigitalWrite (Dong2, LOW);

Void qian () {
DigitalWrite (Dong1, LOW);
DigitalWrite (Dong2, HIGH);
//controlled by the front wheels
Void zuo () {
DigitalWrite (Zhuan1, HIGH);
DigitalWrite (Zhuan2, LOW);

Void you () {
DigitalWrite (Zhuan2, HIGH);
DigitalWrite (Zhuan1, LOW);

Void setup () {
//put your setup code here, to run once:
InitL9110S ();
InitChaoShengBo ();
Serial. The begin (115200);
InitWiFiSta ();
Server. The begin ();


Void loop () {
//put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Char CMD.
Long dis.
Int mark=0;

WiFiClient client=server. The available ();//service initialization
While (client. The connected ()) {
While (client. The available () & gt; 0 {
CMD=client. The read ();
Dis=getTime ()/58.
If (dis & lt; 10) {
Hou ();
} else {
If (mark==0) {
The switch (CMD) {
Case 'q:
Qian ();

Case 'h' :
Hou ();
Case 'z' :
Zuo ();
Case 'y' :
You ();
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