Home > other >  Using VS2017 compile cmake generated OpenCV source engineering solutions fail
Using VS2017 compile cmake generated OpenCV source engineering solutions fail


20 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_world vcxproj" operations - failure,
21 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_version_win32, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
22 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_visualisation, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
23 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_waldboost_detector, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
24 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_annotation, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
25 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_img_hash, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
26 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_interactive - calibration, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
27 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_ts, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
28 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: opencv_version, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
22 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430/opencv/sources/apps/visualisation/CMakeLists. TXT
25 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430/contrib/modules/img_hash CMakeLists. TXT
21 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430/opencv/sources/apps/version/CMakeLists. TXT
23 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430/contrib/modules/xobjdetect/tools/waldboost_detector CMakeLists. TXT
24 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430 opencv/sources/apps/annotation/CMakeLists. TXT
26 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430 opencv/sources/apps/interactive - calibration/CMakeLists. TXT
27 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430 opencv/sources/modules/ts/CMakeLists. TXT
22 & gt; Opencv_visualisation. CPP
24 & gt; Opencv_annotation. CPP
23 & gt; Waldboost_detector. CPP
21 & gt; Opencv_version. CPP
25 & gt; Average_hash. CPP
25 & gt; Block_mean_hash. CPP
25 & gt; Color_moment_hash. CPP
25 & gt; Img_hash_base. CPP
25 & gt; Marr_hildreth_hash. CPP
25 & gt; Phash. CPP
25 & gt; Radial_variance_hash. CPP
25 & gt; Opencv_img_hash_main. CPP
26 & gt; CalibController. CPP
26 & gt; CalibPipeline. CPP
26 & gt; FrameProcessor. CPP
26 & gt; The main. CPP
26 & gt; ParametersController. CPP
26 & gt; RotationConverters. CPP
27 & gt; Cuda_perf. CPP
27 & gt; Cuda_test. CPP
27 & gt; Ocl_perf. CPP
27 & gt; Ocl_test. CPP
27 & gt; Ts. CPP
27 & gt; Ts_arrtest. CPP
27 & gt; Ts_func. CPP
27 & gt; Ts_gtest. CPP
28 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430/opencv/sources/apps/version/CMakeLists. TXT
24 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
21 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
27 & gt; Ts_perf. CPP
26 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
27 & gt; Ts_tags. CPP
28 & gt; Opencv_version. CPP
22 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
23 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \.. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
23 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_waldboost_detector vcxproj" operations - failure,
22 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_visualisation vcxproj" operations - failure,
24 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_annotation vcxproj" operations - failure,
21 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_version_win32 vcxproj" operations - failure,
26 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_interactive - calibration. Vcxproj" operations - failure,
25 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
25 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_img_hash vcxproj" operations - failure,
28 & gt; LINK: fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file ".. \.. \ lib \ Release \ opencv_world430 lib "
28 & gt; Generating project has been completed "opencv_version vcxproj" operations - failure,
27 & gt; Opencv_ts. Vcxproj - & gt; E: \ opencv430 \ Opencv430Compiled \ lib \ Release \ opencv_ts430 lib
29 & gt; -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: ALL_BUILD, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
29 & gt; Building Custom Rule: E/opencv430 opencv/sources/CMakeLists. TXT
==========: 21 success, failure in 8, the latest zero, skip 0==========

Environment is opencv4.3.0 + VS2017 + + Cudnn7.6.5 CUDA10.0 + contrib
There are big encountered this problem? Please give advice or comments

CodePudding user response:

General is the process of the front cmake has error didn't go to solve,,,

CodePudding user response:

oh roar reference 1 floor? Response:
there is an error in general is a process of front cmake didn't go to solve,,

Cmake compiled by no error, but vs generate failure, later found to be the CVV and RGBD contrib modules generate failure, then in the process of cmake put contrib unchecking the two modules compiled vs passed, the specific reason I don't know why,,,

CodePudding user response:

To highlight the file name must add file suffix XXX. Lib
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