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Send array to controller by Ajax call, then controller return another View with that array in Larave


I am passing array to controller by ajax. Controller is accessing array and return response successfully. But I want that when controller get array it return different view(suppose A.blade.php) and I can use that array in A.blade.php.

I have seen many replies like use window.location="url" in success:function(){} but it will only go to view without array.

Only purpose is to pass array to controller and controller return another view with array and i don't need of response.

AJAX function

       $('#but').click(function() {
         alert("Button Click");
           type: 'get',
           url: '/suck',
           data: {arr},
   success: function( data ) {
    document.getElementById("p").innerHTML =data;
   error: function(xhr, status, error) {
  dataType: 'text'


 public function getAjax(Request $req)
// Here I want when controller access array it return another view with array and no need of response
        return response()->json($input);    



CodePudding user response:

Based on your comments, you could dynamically create a form and add the array you want to a hidden element. Then submit the form.

Untested code:

    $('#but').click ( 
                        var myArray = [];
                        var myJson = JSON.stringify(myArray); 

                        var myForm = $(document.createElement('form'));
                        $(myForm).attr("action", "/url/to/controller");
                        $(myForm).attr("method", "POST");
                        var input = $("<input>").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "myArray").val(myJson);                       

CodePudding user response:

To send an array from view to controller and from controller to other view: First create a form and use onsubmit attribute

<form id="myid" action="/go" method="post" onsubmit="submitForm(event)">
         <input type="submit" value="submit">

Then write function for onsubmit

<script  type="text/JavaScript">
function submitForm(event){  
  var arr=["Tile","Desk","Door"];  // Array which has to pass to controller
    var i;
       for(i=0;i<arr.length;i  ){ // create and append arr.length times
          var input = $("<input>").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "myArray[" i "]").val(arr[i]);                       
             $(myid).append($(input));   // append to form              



In Controller

class subcontroller extends Controller
    public function getArray(Request $req)
     return view('viewName',['set'=>$arr]);

In blade.view, access array as

@foreach($set as $item)

It worked for me.

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