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Who can help me to calculate the following a problem, I 10000 yuan as the appreciation


The last column A is x + y and z to get the remainder, who can prove that the remainder A has nothing to do with what is y, I gave him 10000 yuan, I swear, absolutely true!

A=x y z % z (x + y)
6016607159 50113 18800 18072
11570717479 20072 18800 14351
8002132623 33597 18800 2620
5086369113 22312 18800 13825
11045645059 49079 18800 17338
5126313568 72921 18800 2489
9635463370 60769 18800 16539
10677795087 62571 18800 2858
4231240254 29486 2299 1622
6151146032 66013 3199 2099
5162372861 78604 7500 6465
5010729708 84046 68000 29754
7221690076 41265 6088 5717
6641074230 97695 3588 2793

CodePudding user response:


Online etc.

CodePudding user response:

Can add I q discuss 18865215608 at any time

CodePudding user response:

Ah, of course, contact, 5% 4=1, 5%2=1=2, 3, 5, 5 % % 1=0

CodePudding user response:

The original poster to definitely not complete, the conditions of
A=(x + y) % z
Is actually A=(z) (x % + z) (y %) % z
To be converted into
A=(B + C) % z
The B and C are less than z
And B congruence z, x and y C congruence z
Don't at the time of fixed C, change the value of B, A constant? Obviously not,

CodePudding user response:

Only in the case of errors, the conclusion of the building Lord,

CodePudding user response:

Assuming A and y it doesn't matter, according to the additive commutative law, so it doesn't matter, A and x
In this way, A and (x + y) it doesn't matter, what circumstances set up?
When do you think it's ok doesn't matter,


CodePudding user response:

A=x + y % % z z=x % z + 0
A=x % z

CodePudding user response:

A=x y z % z (x + y)
50113 6016607159 18800 18072
20072 11570717479 18800 14351
33597 8002132623 18800 2620
22312 5086369113 18800 13825
49079 11045645059 18800 17338
72921 5126313568 18800 2489
60769 9635463370 18800 16539
62571 10677795087 18800 2858
29486 4231240254 2299 1622
66013 6151146032 3199 2099
78604 5162372861 7500 6465
84046 5010729708 68000 29754
41265 7221690076 6088 5717
97695 6641074230 3588 2793

CodePudding user response:

When 1=0, everything is possible,

CodePudding user response:

Hull, wait me to,

CodePudding user response:

Look not to understand...
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