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The selenium positioning can't input in js way


As shown in figure, a landing page, using CSS and xpath can normal login, use js positioning end point when the login prompt, please enter the phone number, though there is a number, page shows the input box but manually click the input box, the number was gone, that no actual input should be a number, a great god answers,

Driver=webdriver. Chrome ()
Driver. The get (' http://flz.aplusunion.com/')
Driver. Maximize_window ()
Driver. Implicitly_wait (5)

Js="document. GetElementsByClassName (' van - ellipsis) [0]. Click ()", "
Jsscroll="document. The documentElement. ScrollTop=1000"
Driver. Execute_script (js)
Driver. Execute_script (jsscroll)
Jsphone="document. GetElementsByClassName (' mod - form - row__input) [0]. Value='https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/136514683333'"
Jspasswd="document. GetElementsByClassName (' mod - form - row__input) [1]. The value='https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/xxxxx'"
Jslogin="document. The getElementsByClassName (' commit__btn) [0]. Click ()", "
Driver. Execute_script (jsphone)
Driver. Execute_script (jspasswd)
Driver. Execute_script (jslogin)
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