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The background picture does not show didn't check out the wrong


The following is the main program
The import pygame

The from plane_sprites import *

The class PlaneGame (object) :

"' the war the main game" '

Def __init__ (self) :
Print (" game initialization ")
# to create the game window
The self. The screen=pygame. Display. Set_mode (SCRENT_RECT. Size)
# to create the game clock
The self. The clock=pygame. Time. Clock ()
# call a private method, elves and fairies group create
Self. __create_sprites ()

Def __create_sprites (self) :
# create background and elves group
Bg1=Background ("./images/Background. PNG ")

Self. Back_group=pygame. Sprite. Group (bg1)

Def statr_game (self) :
Print (" game ")

While True:
Frame # set the refresh rate
The self. The clock. Tick (FRAME_PER_SEC)
# time listening
Self. __event_handler ()
# collision detection
Self. __check_collide ()
# update drawing elves group
Self. __create_sprites ()
# update the display
Pygame. Display. The update ()

Def __event_handler (self) :

For the event in pygame. Event. The get () :
# determine whether quit the game
If the event. The type==pygame. QUIT:
PlaneGame. __game_over ()

Def __check_collide (self) :

Def __update_sprites (self) :
Self. Back_group. The update ()
Self. Back_group. The draw (self. Screen)

@ staticmethod
Def __game_over () :
Print (" game over ")
Pygame. Quit ()
The exit ()

If __name__=="__main__ ':

"' create the game object" '
Game=PlaneGame ()

# start game
Game. Statr_game ()

The following is to provide the elves
The import pygame

Constant # screen size
,0,480,700 SCRENT_RECT=pygame. The Rect (0)
Frame # refresh rate

The class GameSprite (pygame. Sprite. Sprite) :
"" "plane war game spirit "" "

Def __init__ (self, image_name, speed=1) :
# call initialization method of the parent
Super () __init__ ()
# define the object's properties
The self. The image=pygame. Image. The load (image_name)
# define the rect record the aircraft's initial position
The self. The rect=self. Image. Get_rect ()
The self. The speed=speed

Def update (self) :
# in the vertical direction of the screen
The self. The rect. + y=self. Speed

Class Background (GameSprite) :
"' the game background elves'
Def update (self) :
# 1 call the superclass method to achieve
Super (). The update ()
# to judge whether to remove the screen if remove screen images will be moved to the screen above the
If the self. The rect. Y & gt;=SCRENT_RECT. Height:
The self. The rect. Y=- self. The rect. Height

Run results no background image is loaded up with normal set the size of the box
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