Each trend line should be at the same time with color, line width, linear three elements, said
Ask everybody to give directions,
ggplot (mtcars, aes (MPG, wt)) +
Geom_point () +
Geom_smooth (method='lm, se=FALSE, show the legend=TRUE,
='black' linetype=1, color, size=1) +
Geom_smooth (formula=y ~ poly real (x, 2), se=FALSE, show the legend=TRUE,
Linetype=2, color='blue', size=1.2) +
Geom_smooth (method='gam, se=FALSE, show the legend=TRUE,
='gold' linetype=3, color, size=1.5) +
Stat_function (fun=function (x) 0.08 * x + 5, linetype=4,
Show. Legend=TRUE, size=2 color='red')