Home > other >  Is there any way to select certain rows in a table based on which ones have similar values in one or
Is there any way to select certain rows in a table based on which ones have similar values in one or


Sr. No. A B C
0 84.3 18.3 1.138420e 00
1 84.3 95.8 8.501307e
2 84.3 192.7 2.262742e-02
3 84.3 617.0 5.395847e-01
4 84.3 54.0 1.484681
5 18.3 95.8 9.612692e-01
6 18.3 192.7 9.600000e-01
7 18.3 617.0 1.706984e
8 18.3 544.0 1.128933e 00
9 95.8 52.7 6.157143e-01
10 95.8 617.0 8.880000e 00
11 95.8 54.0 4.533847e-01
12 192.7 617.0 5.048742e
13 192.7 544.0 1.838478e-02
14 617.0 544.0 7.360492e

e.g. In the table above, I want to take an average of C values from rows 0,5,6,7,8 because all of these rows have 18.3 in some of the columns. Then I want to store this average in another data frame in a row corresponding to '18.3'. Then, I want to take an average of C values from rows 1,5,9,10,11 because all these rows have 95.8 in some of the columns. Then I want to store this average in another data frame in a row corresponding to '95.8'. Similarly, I want to repeat this operation for each unique value that appears in columns A and B. I am unable to figure out a way to do this. Any hits will be helpful!

CodePudding user response:

I believe I understand what your asking, you want to store the mean of column C for each unique value in A and B as a row in a new df.

The below code reads in the dataframe, which I created as data.csv, then finds the Unique values between the A and B columns calculates the mean of C where the rows of either A or B match the unique value.

We then create a new data frame with the mean and the unique value.

    import pandas as pd

    df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

    unique_a = df.A.unique().tolist()
    unique_b = df.B.unique().tolist()
    b_uniques = [ i for  i in unique_b if i not in unique_a]

    unique_a  = b_uniques

    output = []
    value = []
    for i in unique_a:
        output.append( df[(df['A']==i) | (df['B']==i)]['C'].mean())

    out_df = pd.DataFrame({"mean":output, "Group Value": value})

      mean  Group Value
0  2.336000         84.3
1  1.180000         18.3
2  3.882000         95.8
3  1.512500        192.7
4  4.708000        617.0
5  0.965000         54.0
6  2.836667        544.0
7  0.620000         52.7

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

import pandas as pd

s = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
a = [84.3, 84.3, 84.3, 84.3, 84.3, 18.3, 18.3, 18.3, 18.3, 95.8, 95.8, 95.8, 192.7, 192.7, 617.0]
b = [18.3, 95.8, 192.7, 617.0, 54.0, 95.8, 192.7, 617.0, 544.0, 52.7, 617.0, 54.0, 617.0, 544.0, 544.0]
c = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150]

df = pd.DataFrame(s, columns=['Sr. No.'])
df['A'] = a
df['B'] = b
df['C'] = c

completeSet = set(list(df['B'])   list(df['A']))
list_df_num = []
list_df_avg = []

for num in completeSet:
    tmp = df[(df['A'] == num) | (df['B'] == num)]
    if len(tmp) > 0:
        avg = sum(list(tmp['C'])) / len(list(tmp['C']))

result = pd.DataFrame(list_df_num, columns=['Number'])
result['Average'] = list_df_avg

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