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Azure Data Factory Merge to files before inserting in to DB


We have two files that are ^ delimited file and a comma separated txt files which are stored in the Blob Storage like below

File1 fields are like


enter image description here

File2 Fields are like


enter image description here

Here the first column in both the files are the key and based on it I need to insert them in to one table on the Azure DB using the Azure Data Factory. Can anyone suggest how can this be done in the ADF. Should we merge the two files into one file before inserting into the Database.

AzureDB columns are

ItemId Name c1 type count code Avail status Ready Num c2

So it should be like

Item1 ABC(S) 1234 Toy 10 N N/A POOL N/A 19 EM

Item2 DEF(S) 5678 toy 7 X N/A POOL N/A 6 MP

I was referring to this enter image description here Here Inner join is used, you can adapt to use the type of join your preferred.

enter image description here You can see the preview of the join successfully merged the 2 files/data sources.

Adjust the field mapping in Sink if needed. enter image description here

Here is the arrow-separated.csv I used:


Here is the comma-separated.csv I used:


Result in DB: enter image description here

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