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How to create CandlestickSet object instance in QML?


I was able to change CandlestickSeries elements but not to add an element in QML:

    spacing: 5
    anchors.fill: parent

    ChartView {
        title: "Candlestick series"
        theme: ChartView.ChartThemeLight
        legend.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
        antialiasing: true
        Layout.fillWidth: true
        Layout.fillHeight: true

        CandlestickSeries {
            id: series
            name: "Acme Ltd."
            increasingColor: "green"
            decreasingColor: "red"

            CandlestickSet { timestamp: 1435708800000; open: 6.90; high: 6.94; low: 5.99; close: 6.60 }
            CandlestickSet { timestamp: 1435795200000; open: 6.69; high: 6.69; low: 6.69; close: 6.69 }
            CandlestickSet { timestamp: 1436140800000; open: 4.85; high: 6.23; low: 4.85; close: 6.00 }
            CandlestickSet { timestamp: 1436227200000; open: 5.89; high: 6.15; low: 3.77; close: 5.69 }
            CandlestickSet { timestamp: 1436313600000; open: 4.64; high: 4.64; low: 2.54; close: 2.54 }

        Layout.margins: 10
        spacing: 5

            text: "Change 2"
            onClicked: series.at(2).open = 3

            text: "Change 4"
            onClicked: series.at(4).open = 3

            id: addButton
            text: "Add"
            onClicked: series.append( /*create new CandlestickSet here*/ )

How to create CandlestickSet object in addButton button click handler?

CodePudding user response:

You have to use Qt.createQmlObject:

onClicked: {
    var set = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtCharts 2.15; CandlestickSet {}', series, "dynamicSnippet1");
    set.timestamp = 1436227300000; 
    set.open = 6.90
    set.high = 6.94
    set.low = 5.99
    set.close = 6.60
    var ret = series.append(set)
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