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The understanding of TCP/IP

Mainly for TCP/IP protocol family a finishing

A, what is the TCP/IP protocol
TCP/IP Protocol, TCP/IP for short, is "the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol", it is in the mid - 70 the department of defense for the ARPANET wan development network architecture and Protocol standard, defines the process of network communication, defines the format and content of the data, so that the receiving computer can correctly interpret the data received,

Second, the TCP/IP protocol family
TCP/IP protocol not only refers to two TCP and IP agreement, but to a FTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, IP agreement constitute the entire agreement of the cluster, such as only because TCP protocol in the TCP/IP protocol and IP agreement is the most representative, so called TCP/IP protocol,

Three, the architecture of TCP/IP protocol family and their main agreement
TCP/IP protocol is a layered, multi-protocol communication system

The following agreement from the lower to the upper level protocol

1. The data link layer
Nic network driver interface, process the data on the physical transmission medium of transmission,
The main agreement:
(1) the ARP Protocol (Adress Resolve Protocol) address resolution Protocol
(2) the RARP Protocol (Reserve Adress Resolve Protocol) reverse address resolution Protocol

2. The network layer
Packet routing and forwarding,
The main agreement:
(1) IP (Internet Protocol)
the Internet Protocol(2) the ICMP Protocol (Internet Control Message Protocol) the Internet Control Message Protocol

3. The transport layer
Provide communication between applications,
The main agreement:
(1) the TCP (Transport Control Protocol) transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
(2) the UDP (User Datagram Protocol), User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(3) SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) Stream Control Transmission Protocol

4. The application layer
In multiple systems application process is to communicate with each other at the same time, required to complete a series of business processing services,
The main agreement
(1) the DNS (Domain Name System) Domain Name resolution protocol
(2) the FTP (File Transfer protocol), File Transfer protocol
(3) the HTTP (the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) hypertext Transfer Protocol
(4) Telnet remote terminal protocol
(5) the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(6) the POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) agreement

CodePudding user response:

The application layer you missed one of the most important: the DHCP